Jan Scholten
Hottonia palustris
They have a reserved dignity, are removed from lively involvement with people due to a deepened life experience with subsequent understanding of life's truths. They feel great and superior but are easily hurt, offended or humiliated by others. They do not show their pain as they try to protect their self-image. One may choose to raise oneself above the offender, instead of accepting the negative appraisal or affront and being crushed by it. They feel advantaged but this is quietly savoured within, just occasionally presented and talked about. In some other cases, however, superiority is expressed more vigorously through haughty behaviour, eccentricity and condescension.
A man adapting for years to his tyrannical father.
Always going up and down, cannot make a choice.
Always trying to do well, pleasing, adapting.
Never doing things right according to tyrannical father.
Obedient to tyrannical father, even caring for him when ill.
Delusion: being grandiose, above others, special, advanced, eccentric, refined, perceptive, having special talents, achievements, heritage, uniquely endowed, accomplished, favoured; haughty.
Believes others to be less aware or matured.
Loneliness, aloofness, seclusion.
Insecurity, vulnerable, desire for attention and admiration.
Emotional life subdued, stagnating, < no engagement with others is avoided or even considered as disturbing to the inner peace.
Company disinterest, lack of spontaneity, apathy, <- amusement.
Isolation and removal stifle from deep within and leave the inner self empty and sad.
Pride and eccentricity may alienate others unduly and keep them at bay.