Jan Scholten
Wonderful Plants
665.51.01 Hippuris vulgaris
DD: Hydrogen, Phosphorus, Silver series.
Source: Sense provings.
They are very friendly and communicate but have a problem to make deep contact. They have the feeling that they always have to keep up their image of the perfect hostess or artist and thus cannot show any weakness or failure. Because they are very talented, creative and intelligent they will fail seldom. The problem is that they feel ungrounded as if they cannot really get in contact with their basic emotions because they have to show themselves as perfect. They do not have the intention to change situations or people and can leave everyone in their being because they understands that everyone has his place and his character and that nothing has to be changed.
Dreamy, absent-minded; evades the problems of life; does not belong to the world.
No inclination to change the world.
Yielding like a rubber band, elastic, it looks as if they are adapting, but afterwards they take on their own form; soft, flabby.
A contemplating artist looking at things from a distance.
Friendly, warm, involved, but not doing much.
Desire liberty.
Depressed from being dominated, being talked to too much, not having space for himself.
Hiding, moustache, makeup.
Not being able to cope with the world.
Going the wrong way.
Irritation from feeling blocked in the stomach.
Type: female, short, somewhat obese, rounded forms.
Mouth: dry, thirst; taste of rubber.
Lungs: respiration asthmatic, < pressure of the abdomen; small lung capacity.
Stomach: blocked.
Abdomen: blocked; sensation of being swollen like a balloon full of water, pressing.
Limbs: right shoulder pain, < flexing the arm backwards.