Jan Scholten
Wonderful Plants
663.41.14 Herniaria glabra
Names: Herniaria vulgaris, Herniaria arenaria, Herniaria fructicosa, Herniaria alpestris.
English: Glabrous Rupturewort, Herniary, Breastwort.
German: Tausendkorn, Kahles Bruchkraut.
Dutch: Breukkruid.
Botany: England, dry place; stem slender, herbaceous clothed with minute, decurved hairs; leaves opposite, oval to oblong; flowers minute, greenish, sessile in the axils; taste, insipid; odour, none.
Source: Potter, Gerard.
They have problems in their marriage or family. They want to be independent, develop themselves and go their own way. On the other hand they want to have good, loving relationships with everyone around them. When the two cannot be combined they feel powerless, having no options except avoiding the problem and behaving as if nothing is wrong.
Desire to be independent, go their own way, lead their own life.
Caring for family and friends.
Interest in spirituality, self-development, alternative medicine, anthroposophy.
Powerless; relationship with daughter is almost over.
Ailments from quarrels, disharmony with family and friends, death or disease of relatives.
Throat: thyroid problems, hyperfunction, hypofunction, inflammation, Hashimoto.
Urinary: catarrh of bladder; kidney stones; scanty urine.
Back: backache, lumbar.
Limbs: sciatica; dystrophy; ruptures, bursts.
Skin: wounds suppurating.