Jan Scholten
Wonderful Plants
666.74.10 Heracleum sphondylium, Branca ursina
Names: Heracleum sphondylium; Branca ursina; Sphondylium branca ursina.
English: Hogweed; Common Cow-parsnip; Bear's Breech; Brankursine; Swineweed.
German: Wiesenbärenklau; Unechte Bärenklau; Heilkraut.
Dutch: Berenklauw; Koepoot; Wolfspoot; Heelkruid; Zeenkruid; Zenuwkruid; Varkenskool.
Source: Tscherteu.
Avarice, thinks only about his possessions.
Desire to find the ultimate truth.
Delusion: amidst strangers.
Self-confidence low.
Sadness, morose, > weeping, > diversion.
Dullness, < headache.
Fear: < eating, < crowd.
Sensation: pressing, stitching, burning, stone, heavy.
Weather: chilly, < cold, < damp, < cold wind, > open air, > warm.
Sweat: forehead, fatty, offensive, < night.
Time: < morning, < full moon.
Desire: tobacco, sweets !, food !, bread, cheese, coffee, cold water.
Aversion: tobacco, food.
Food: < coffee, < sweets, < dinner.
Sleep: ameliorates; difficult falling asleep; restless; frequent waking.
Physical: > lying, > motion.
Discharge: tough, viscid.
Energy: exhaustion, weakness.
Nervous: epilepsy, + flatulence; spinal disease.
Head: headache, pressing, stitching, burning, aching, sick, forehead, occiput, left, < motion, > lying, > open air, > covering, + drowsy, < open air, > tying up the head with a cloth.
Vertigo < reading.
Eyes: pain; lachrymation, < reading; styes.
Nose: catarrh; discharge, watery, excoriating, tough, yellowish-green; extends to sinuses; frequent sneezing.
Mouth: bitter rising; bitter taste.
Throat: tough mucus.
Lungs: cough, dry, hacking, tickling, < morning.
Chest: breasts swollen, tender, < before menses; nipples sensitive, painful < begin nursing.
Stomach: pain, pressing, + vomit; sensation of a stone; empty !, < thinking of it, < tight clothes, + nausea; bitter rising.
Abdomen: pain, stitching spleen; pain solar plexus.
Rectum: pain, pressure, itching, excoriation; haemorrhoids; stool frequent, voluminous, soft tardy, slimy, foetid.
Urinary: urination frequent; urging, < cold, > warmth; burning after urination; kidney drawing pain.
Male: pain penis.
Limbs: heavy, as if with lead; gout.
Skin: unhealthy, fatty, dry, scaly; eruption head, seborrhoea, violent itching; acne.