Jan Scholten
Wonderful Plants
652.14.10 Hamamelis virginiana
Names: Hamamelis macrophylla, Hamamelis dioica.
Names: in Greek hama means ‘together with’, mela means ‘fruit’.
English: Witch-hazel; Spotted Alder, Winterbloom, Snapping hazelnut.
Dutch: Toverhazelaar.
Botany: shrub; damp woods, along streams; flowers yellow, in autumn; seeds ripen the year following; fruit and flowers born at the same time.
Content: tannic and gallic acid; tannin.
DD: Phase 4; Carbon series; Silver series.
The typical symptom is that they want others to show them respect and they thinks they have earned it. The Silver series quality is further expressed in the desire for veneration and that others pay great respect to her opinions.
Desire veneration, respect, ought to be revered by all around her, to have great respect paid to her opinions.
Wants “respect due to me” shown, by general practitioner, doctors, nurses, people.
Ailments in old people, in an elderly house.
Feels unappreciated.
Depressed in mind, also after emissions, with regretful mind.
Wants to do nothing, inclination to sit.
Perception slow or quick.
Sensitive to disorder.
Forgetful words while speaking.
Desire to hear sublime conversation.
Dreams: business of the day.
Dreams: animals, bats flying in room; Dracula; frightful.
Dreams: lewd, lascivious, voluptuous, amorous.
Sensation: bruised, sore, pressing.
Desire: pickles; drinks, great thirst.
Aversion: water.
Food: < fat, < milk, < plums, < pork.
Physical: ! << injuries; << loss of blood; < touch, pressure, jar; > rest, quiet.
General: cancer; haemorrhages, idiopathic, traumatic, vicarious, of childhood; prostration.
Head: headache, > nosebleed.
Eyes: injury; black eye; traumatic conjunctivitis; sore, < sugillations, extravasations, chambers of eye, < coughing.
Nose: nosebleed, nosebleed, flow passive, long-lasting, blood non-coagulable, profuse; cold, < every exposure, < warm, moist air.
Lungs: coughing blood, venous, without effort, haemoptysis, taste of blood or sulphur; tickling cough.
Rectum: burning, sore, raw, full, heavy; bluish; venous congestion, haemorrhoids; haemorrhage profuse, dark, grumous, < ulcer of bowels; urging to stool.
Urinary: retention urine; urine bloody.
Male: varicocele; orchitis; phimosis.
Female: menses dark, profuse; menstruation, vicarious; leucorrhoea; miscarriage; ovaries, disorders; vagina spasm; uterus bleeding, active or passive, < fall, < jolting, < rough riding, < blow on ovary; bearing down pain in back.
Back: as if breaking.
Limbs: varicose veins, phlebitis; bruises; chilblains; ankles, weak; rheumatism, joints, muscles.
Skin: burns; wounds, incised, lacerated, contused; injuries from falls.