Jan Scholten
Wonderful Plants
655.37.00 Grewiaceae
Grewioideae: 25 genera, 770 species; pantropical.
Byttnerioideae: 26 genera, 650 species; pantropical, South America.
In Apg3 classification Grewiaceae is treated a subfamily of Malvaceae, Grewioideae. In older taxonomies many genera were included in Tiliaceae or Sparrmanniaceae, both polyphyletic.
In the Plant theory Grewioideae and Byttnerioideae are included in Grewiaceae, treated as a family and placed in Subphase 7.
There is a contrast between softness and hardness, between connecting and rejecting, between harmony and torture. They are sensitive, wanting to bring harmony and joy in the world for others and themselves. But they are often maltreated, beaten, tortured, abused. They can be maltreated by their parents, teachers, soldiers or people in high positions in society.
They try to soften others by adapting to them and pleasing them, often in vain. In the end they give up, withdraw in themselves and become very lonely and sad.
Dislike to be subordinate, submissive.
Fighting for justice and harmony in society; Amnesty International.
Stick up for one’s son or husband in prison.
Soothing, woman that soothes, cares tortured men.
Does a lot of work, centre in the community, supportive.
Sensation: binding, bound, tied, fixed, by oneself or others.
Head: pain forehead.
Chest: pressure, heart.
Back: backache, as giving way, < bending forward.