Jan Scholten
Wonderful Plants
644.55.06 Genista tinctoria
Names: Spartium tinctoria; Genistoides tinctoria; Cytisus tinctoria.
English: Dyer's Weed; Dyer's Greenweed; Broom; Common woadwaxen.
German: Farbkraut; Gilbkraut; Galeise; Grünholz; Rohrheide.
Botany: seed capsules explode, showering all over the insects.
Culture: Genista is the origin of the Plantagenets.
Use: dye, paints.
Content: scopolamine.
DD: Phosphorus; manganum.
They have a forcing quality, as they want to prove that things are going well, that they have a pleasant life with many friends. They are very disappointed when things do not go their way.
Threat, with friends.
Cannot have fun.
Fear: losing control, fainting, apoplexy, failure, poverty.
Irresolution, < choosing work.
Upholding what is almost falling.
Female, oestrogen like.
Sensation: turning around him.
Weather: < sun; > open air; > cool, cold, room.
Time: < 9 - 10 am.
Food: > eating.
Physical: < rising; < turning quickly, shaking the head; < walking, < motion.
Vertigo: faintness, < rising, < closing eyes, < lying, > sitting, > open air, < walking fast, < turning round.
Head: congestion; headache, sharp, heavy, dull, piercing, stitching, frontal, temple, > dinner, < shaking turning the head, > walking in the woods, < sun, > sitting in a cool room; brain feels tender, lose, sensitive.
Eyes: sensitive, < touch, in the forenoon.
Ears: pain as sharp instrument was thrust into.
Nose: violent sneezing, < urge stool.
Throat: dry, sensitive.
Heart: anxious oppression, radiating to left shoulder and neck; palpitation.
Stomach: heavy ache; water brash, < night; nausea.
Abdomen: heavy ache, filled with stones or a firm mass; flatulence; colic, then stools.
Rectum: burning; urging; stool soft, scanty, bright, acrid, foamy, with blood, large, expelled like a wad from a pop gun; diarrhoea shooting watery, putrid, sour; constipation.
Urinary: urine very profuse, bright, foaming; burning pudendum; intercurrent congestion of kidneys.
Limbs: deadness of right arm and fingers.
Skin: eruption, roundish, dark-red, scarlet, confluent spots, scarcely elevated, itching very much, lower legs and arms; barber's itch.