Jan Scholten
Wonderful Plants
665.22.09 Gelsemium sempervirens
English: Yellow jasmine.
Source: Sense provings.
Gelsemium has been long “the” remedy for fear of examinations and stage fright. The examinations and stage fright are typical aspects of Stage 9. It shows a situation where one is new and has no power. One has to adapt. These are typical aspects of Phase 2. Gelsemium has been used in fear of examinations but Cobaltum is a better remedy. Gelsemium is typically for stage fright, which has aspects of Silver series.
Shy, timid, fragile, hesitation, coward, postponing.
Delusion: being in his grave, falling apart.
Ailments from stage fright, fright, fear, exciting news, emotional excitement, fear, wrongly being angry.
Dull, vacant, languor, listless, confusion, concentration low, incoherent, stupid, besotted, drowsy, memory low.
Desire to arrange everything themselves, to go their own way.
Excitable, agitated, vivacious, restless, irritable, sensitive, < masturbation, < pleasant surprise.
Sensitive: music, movies, bad news, horrible stories.
Thinking of his ailments aggravates.
Apathy, indifference, = his illness.
Delirious on falling to sleep.
Clinging, child starts and grasps the nurse and screams as if afraid of falling.
Silent grief.
Artistic, musician.
Fear: death, disease, be nothing; ordeals, examination, stage, performance, appearing in public, downward motion, failing, falling, heights, losing control.
Desire to be quiet, to be left alone; aversion company.
Dreams: many people; crowd; hard work; business; death, dying.
Dreams: annoyed; unpleasant vexatious.
Dreams: amorous.
Emotional: > weeping, > company, < masturbation.
Proving themselves, deep sea diving.
Type: nervous, hysterical.
Weather: < heat of sun, < cold, damp weather, < fog; < before a thunderstorm; > cool open air.
Sweat: >.
Time: < 10 am, summer.
Aversion: drinks; no thirst.
Food: < tobacco, > stimulants.
Sleep: sleepless, insomnia, < exhaustion, < nervous irritation, < uncontrollable thinking, < tobacco; yawning.
Physical: > rest, > sitting, > lying; < motion, > continued motion; > bending forward; > profuse urination !!, > deep breath.
Vertigo: dizzy, drowsy, weak, tired, heavy, lame, prostration, relaxation, trembling.
Nervous: paralysis, eyes, throat, chest, larynx, sphincter, extremities, < diphtheria, ataxia, incoordination.
Fever: bilious remittent, weakness, + heat and sweat stages, long and exhausting, + fever, + stupor, + dizziness, + faintness, + thirstless, prostrated; chill wavelike, up and down back, from sacrum to occiput; shaking, nervous, > hold; influenza; measles; scarlet fever; catarrh; aids in bringing out eruption.
Vertigo: spreading from occiput.
Head: pain violent, congestive, occiput, extending forehead, temple, ear, wing of nose, chin; heavy; band-feeling around and occipital headache dull, heavy ache, bruised, + heavy eyelids, > compression, > lying with head high, >> profuse urination, + blindness, + sore muscles, neck shoulders; scalp sore to touch.
Eyes: eyelids heavy, ptosis; patient can hardly open them; double vision, diplopia; vision disturbed, blurring, smoky, hazy, diminished; pupils dilated, one sided; pain bruised, back of the orbits, orbital neuralgia; inflammation, deep, vitreous, serous; detached retina; glaucoma; hysterical amblyopia; insensible to light; retinitis.
Ears: pain, < swallowing; tinnitus.
Face: hot heavy, flushed, besotted-looking, dusky hue, < vertigo, tingling; neuralgia, trigeminus; contraction muscles, around the mouth; chin quivers; lower jaw dropped.
Nose: acute coryza, discharge watery, excoriating, + dull headache, + fever; sneezing; fullness at root of nose; dry nasal fosse; swelling of turbinates.
Mouth: taste putrid; breath putrid; tongue numb, thick, swollen, coated, yellowish, tremble, paralysed.
Throat: rough, burning, sore, extending ear, < menses; difficult swallowing, < warm food; itching and tickling in soft palate and naso-pharynx; pain in sterno-cleido-mastoid, back of parotid; tonsils swollen, shooting pain into ear; tonsillitis; lump, = swallowing; spasm of the glottis; aphonia, < menses.
Lungs: cough, dry with sore chest and fluent coryza; breathing slow, + great prostration; acute bronchitis, respiration quickened, spasmodic affections of lungs and diaphragm.
Chest: oppression.
Heart: as if ceasing, > motion; pulse slow < quiet, < old age, soft, weak, full, soft, compressible, fluttering, flowing, accelerated on motion; palpitation; sluggish circulation; endocarditis; pericarditis; hypotension.
Stomach: empty, weak, pit; oppression, heavy load; hiccough, < evening; nausea, vomiting, < cough.
Rectum: diarrhoea, painless, < emotional excitement, < fright, < bad news; stool involuntary, cream-coloured, tea-green; partial paralysis of rectum and sphincter.
Urinary: urination painful, intermittent, with chilliness and tremulousness; retention; urine profuse, clear, watery, albumen; paralysis of bladder.
Male: spermatorrhoea, without erections; genitals cold and relaxed, scrotum continually sweating; gonorrhoea, first stage; discharge scanty; tendency to corrode; little pain but much heat; smarting at meatus; impotence.
Female: menses scanty, retarded; rigid os; vaginismus; false labour pains; pains pass up back; dysmenorrhoea, extends to back and hips; uterus squeezed; miscarriage < excitement.
Back: dull, heavy, aching, lumbar, sacral region, passing upward; pain in neck, especially upper sterno-cleido muscles; pain in muscles of back, hips and lower extremities, mostly deep-seated.
Limbs: heavy, weak, lame, languor, complete relaxation, paralysis, < slight exercise; trembling, cramp, spam, chorea, forearm, < writing; sore, bruised, dumb-ague, tired muscles; professional neuroses; hysteric convulsions; languor; muscles feel bruised; every little exertion causes fatigue.
Skin: hot, dry, itching; pellagra; measles like eruption; erysipelas.