Jan Scholten
Wonderful Plants
633.51.07 Freesia corumbosa
DD: Phosphorus.
Culture: symbol of innocence, proud parents of a new born baby.
Source: Sense provings.
Easy to make contact and have relations but difficult to make a definite choice because she wants to experiment and experience life very much because she does not want to lose her friends, or because she has the feeling she has not found the right one yet.
Many friends, very communicative, friendly, beloved.
Going out with friends, shopping, theatre, cinema, having a drink.
Going smoothly and happy through life, hopping, avoiding conflicts and confrontations with her laugh and smile.
Smooth, active, solid.
Graceful, going smoothly through life.
Talking and phoning a lot.
Sporting a bit but not fanatic, enough to look good.
Difficult to bind themselves to one person, they need many contacts.
Aversion to jealous and possessive partners.
Cheerful and laughing, has a happy, contagious giggle.
Fear losing friends.
Keeps boy friends a bit on distance, so they walk away.
Love problems.
Sensation: tension.
Energy: fatigue.
Head: pain forehead, < mental exertion, < doing too much to keep friends.
Nose: hayfever, itch nose, obstructed, full, bridge of nose; smell sweet, little musk.
Female: infertility, amenorrhoea.