Jan Scholten
Wonderful Plants
665.46.01 Forsythia europea
DD: Phosphor, Silicon, Sulphur, Silver series.
Source: Sense provings.
They have a manic quality, going back and forth between their feelings of responsibility for their family and on the other hand their many love affairs. They have a strong need for love and are quite passionate. This is often in conflict with their feelings of responsibility for their family and the demand of relatives on them. This conflict can also arise from their need to develop their creative talents. They cannot explore their artistic qualities because they have to care for their children first.
Need space, needy.
Soft, warmth, enveloping, numbness; it's nice.
Unconditional caring, protection.
Openness, popping out, prolific; outgoing, pushing.
Deception, tricking, trickery, hiding.
Elevated, airy; loose, fluffy, floating upwards, especially upper half of body.
Euphoric, happy, bursting, lively, sunny, gentle, attractive.
Fresh, lemony, first, new; bright, light; birth; spring.
Joyful, playful, fun, laugh; playground, swings.
Calmness, serenity, peace, disturbed by anxiety.
No feeling, flatness, dull, heavy.
Mind bright, brilliant, sharp, alert, aware; overseer.
Hardy, strong; decisive; desire for control.
Depression, sad, melancholy, droopy, withered; slow.
Negative dark force, jagged, the irregularity of it was dissonant.
Nothingness, emptiness, nothing left, no existence, unreal, nothing left of me.
Shy; delicate; small but significant; not aggressive.
Strong projecting but held in.
Delusion being watched, attacked, overtaken, caught, overwhelming.
Sensation: crisscrossing at irregular; body feels inflated like a balloon.
Weather: chilly outside, warm inside.
Desire: sweet, candy.
Sleep: sleepy, calming.
Energy: tiredness; almost paralysed
Vertigo: floating, dizzy, giddy, unstable, body floating upward, l < leaning backwards.
Head: headache, momentary, sharp; infra orbital sensations, rubbish; heavy vertex; pressure in frontal lobe.
Eyes: sore, dry, slightly irritated, left; burning, lachrymation; numb eyebrows.
Ears: itching, left.
Face: jaw heavy, joint pain, left side; chin enlarging.
Mouth: teeth tingle, centre right; lips tingle; itching tongue; pain inconstant, pain, deep, left upper teeth behind gum line and maxillary and cheekbone.
Throat: dry; tight; sore; clearing; pressing, right thyroid; no voice.
Lungs: choking, desire to breathe deep, does not alleviate; oppression of breathing.
Heart: anxiety; palpitation; pulse quick, wick, throughout upper body, arms, shoulders, superficial; foetal.
Chest: tight; empty; pain, breast, right, medial; pressure sternum.
Stomach: upset.
Abdomen: pain, throbbing, abdominal aorta; pain, upper right, liver, being pulled to the left, pushed from behind right, twisted to the left.
Back: tight, itching, tickling on right side of neck.
Limbs: sciatica, left; tingling back of knees, legs, right foot, in and out energy; pain in right hand, between metacarpal 2 and 3; pain, ankle, right, sharp; bone problems; hips folding, like being braided; legs feel weak; pain in left arm pit, behind the armpit; tension, centre of wrists; weak hips.
Skin: itching, right first finger at distal joint; bald.