Cyrus Boger
Synoptic key
Eupatorium perfoliatumn
Eupatorium perfoliatum
VIOLENT, ACHING, BONE-BREAKING PAINS (Coccl. Pyro. Rut.). Bruised, sore ache, < back. Restless, chilly and nauseated. Colds. Grippe; and catarrhal sequelae. Bilious effects; yellow eyes, face, vomit, etc. Weakness.
Vertigo; sways to left; < lying on right side; > vomiting. Sore throbbing head pains, < occiput; alternating with gouty pains. Sensation as of a metal cap on head. Migraine. Vomits bile at height of head pains, then >. Sore, aching eye-balls. Sneezing. Thirst, but drinks excite bitter vomiting or chill. Whitish stools. Urine now profuse, now scanty. Hoarse in morning Painful cough, from a laryngeal tickle; it hurts head; must hold chest. Raw, hot, sore chest and bronchi. Intense backache; as if beaten; ascending. Aching lower limbs. Bruised pain in calves. Dropsy of legs. Painful, gouty nodes. Thirst or nausea, then violent shaking chill; begins in small of back. Bitter vomiting, after chill or during heat. Burning heat. Scanty sweat. Malaria. Catarrhal fevers.
Region: BONES; Stomach; Liver; Occiput; Bronchiae; Muscles, Chest; Back; Limbs.
Worse: COLD AIR; Motion; PERIODICALLY: 7-9 A;M; 3rd; or 7th; day; Lying on part; Coughing; Smell or sight of food.
Better: Vomiting bile; Sweating; Lying on face.