Jan Scholten
Wonderful Plants
644.14.08 Euonymus atropurpureus
English: Spindle-tree.
French: fusain rouge.
Despondent, irritable, cranky, swearing.
Mental confusion, foggy, lassitude, stupor; concentration difficult; loss of memory, slowness finding the proper word in talking, unable to recall familiar names.
Feels superior, thinks he decides over life and death.
Intellectual woman married to working-class man, in order to feel superior, the triumph of feminism.
Intellectual man married to working-class woman, in order to feel superior.
Male: increased sexual desire, nocturnal erections.
Drowsy, lassitude, tired, mental fatigue.
Aversion that others know her complaints; aversion pity, sympathy.
Type: brunettes.
Weather: > cool draught, air, open air, cool days; > open air.
Time: < evening.
Desire: thirsty, salty, salt pork, bacon, salt fish, acid fruits.
Aversion: food.
Food: >< eating.
Sleep: drowsy, desire, >< after sleep.
Physical: > pressure, > bed; > bending backward; > stool.
Head: pain heavy, sore, tired, bruised, dull, frontal, scalp, < mental work; pressing over right eye extending through the head to occiput; bilious; object lying in the brain tissue; pain, > cool draught, > dark, covering the eyes, > gentle pressure, > lying down, > massage, < noise, > cold applications.
Eyes: pain as if from overstrain of the eyes, pupils dilated, eyes ache.
Vertigo: in forehead, as if drawn up and pitched forward.
Eyes: pain, as over strain, compressing; pupils dilated; vision obscure.
Ears: bulging; ringing; below the left ear, pressing, on the spot.
Nose: watery coryza; yellowish tinge; nares stopped; burning.
Face: pimples.
Throat: parched and dry.
Mouth: dry, burning, smarting; tongue cutting, coated yellow at base; taste pasty, unpleasant, bad; pains in malar bones; teeth, dull aching in the lower maxillary.
Lungs: laboured, < climbing stairs.
Heart: weak, constriction; hypertension; palpitation, tumultuous.
Chest: constricted feeling in the region of the heart; pain under xyphoid cartilage.
Stomach: full, uncomfortable < eating; chronic catarrh; nausea, vomiting; belching.
Abdomen: flatus, pain, umbilical region; intestines catarrh; liver congestion, engorged, torpor; gallstones.
Rectum: sore, burning; urging ineffectual; constipation; haemorrhoids; diarrhoea; stools variable, profuse, bloody.
Urinary: urine scanty, high-coloured, acid, albumen, poured out rapidly; fullness, painful, bladder to back.
Male: cutting penis, extending bladder.
Female: menses too early and too profuse.
Back: stiff neck; pain, dull, between shoulders, renal and spleen region; pain in lumbar region, > lying down, > bending backward; pain just back of the acute spine of the pubis, two raw surfaces were being imbedded together; as if lying on a roll of cloth.
Limbs: aching, dull, uncomfortable pain all joints, ankles, swollen, tired; chronic rheumatism; gout; beating of the pulse in palms of hands, fullness.
Skin: intense itching, burning, < hot bath; cellulitis.