Jan Scholten
Wonderful Plants
665.54.05 Eremophila scoparia
English: Emu Bush; Poverty Bush; Fuchsia Bush.
Source: Essence Online.
They feel the problems around them in their family and business but they do not know how to handle it. They feel overwhelmed by the complex difficulties and do not see a creative solution. This is worse because they feel that things cannot be discussed and everything has to be swept under the carpet in order not to loose their dignity and respect. Although they have a lot of creative talents they do not know how to bring them into practice.
Engulfed in complexities, difficulties, messy situations threatening to drag one down.
Lack of equipoise, consistency, direction in one’s life.
Inability to discern between complexities, being too caught in preconceived ideas.
Confusion, stress.
Reacting to isolated incidents rather than having an overview of the situation that is creating them.
Unbalance in threatening personal issues of the heart.
Lack of objectivity.
Delusion human relations are a jungle full of unseen dangers and entanglements.
Caught up in emotional storms in relationships and cannot see what is really happening.