Jan Scholten
Wonderful Plants
666.46.02 Erechtites hieracifolia
Names: Senecio hieracifolia.
English: fire-weed.
Botany: grows best after a fire, where no one can burden or dominate them; then they can flourish and blossom.
DD: Barium.
Erechtites is a good remedy for otitis in children with as keynote high fever, red face and worse 9 pm. They often have had parents who were quarrelling and divorced. They feel left alone by their father. They cannot stand quarrelling and domineering people, then they give in completely.
Very timid, shy, on the background; weak, they do not have protection.
Helping everyone, caring for everyone; busy with everyone but herself.
Later they try to make a place with no domineering people around.
Always wanting to help and please others.
Dreams: naked, nudity, shame; trees being truncated; death of father.
Shrinking in company of domineering, loud people; giving way, overwhelmed.
Weather: chilly; flushes of heat; < heat; < draught, wind; > mountain.
Time: < 9 pm, < summer, < June.
Desire: food, enormous appetite.
Aversion: fat food; liver.
Food: < tomatoes, < warm bread, coffee; < cold water.
Physical: > exercise.
Discharge: blood red or dark, nose, lung, mouth, uterus, bowels.
Fever: < otitis, < 9 pm.
Vertigo: giddiness.
Head: headache dull, frontal; throbbing of temporal arteries.
Ears: pain from wind; otitis.
Nose: common cold, allergies, hayfever; nosebleeds, nosebleed; frontal sinusitis.
Face: red cheeks, flushing, excitement of the circulation.
Mouth: bleeding gums; looseness of teeth.
Throat: raw, sore; tonsillitis.
Lungs: cough; expectoration mucus purulent, almost bloody.
Heart: palpitations.
Stomach: as dissolved, < drinking cold water; belching, heartburn, < eating warm bread and coffee; atony; nausea.
Abdomen: cramps; liver problems.
Rectum: diarrhoea; stool copious, violent, offensive, semi-solid, yellow, fecal, bloody, mucus; ulcerative colitis; never done sensation; cholera, dysentery, haemorrhoids.
Urinary: urine copious; burning at meatus, < urination.
Male: prolonged erections, < morning; gonorrhoea with scanty discharges and great pain; orchitis from suppressed discharge.
Female: menses premature, copious, frequent, profuse; metrorrhagia.
Back: stitches on middle of back; lumbago; heat between scapula, stitching.
Limbs: cold feeling in back of legs; stiff legs; ecchymosis; oedema ulcerating.
Skin: eczema, like rhus poisoning; herpes; ulcers; psoriasis; wounds, ulcers painless.