Jan Scholten
Wonderful Plants
664.47.00 Ebenaceae
Botany: 2 genera: Diospyros, Ebena; 768 species; trees and shrubs; tropics, subtropics; poor or acids soils; symbiotic with a fungus providing mineral nutrients and water; rainforests; Malesia, India, Africa, America, Korea, Japan; fruits rich in tannins, high in glucose, balanced protein profile; adapted to high rainfall and humidity; leaves waxy, glossy, narrow, pointed-oval shape with a 'drip tip'; aroma strong.
Use: resistant, rustic, ornamental; ebony wood; edible fruit.
Culture: flower from Persimmon.
In the Apg3 classification Ebenaceae is a Family in the Order Ericales. In older taxonomies it was placed in its own Order Ebenales.
In the Plant theory Ebenaceae is placed in the Subclass Ericidae, in the Order Sapotales, in Subphase 7.
Diospyros kaki is known for ailments after disaster, catastrophes.
Fire, burning.
Theme: conflagration, war, bombing, violent death, apocalypse, devastation.
Black, evil, black cloud.
Black and white; white coffin.
DNA, survival.
Satanic rebelliousness, destructive: doing systematically the opposite of what is suggested.
Prefers chaos over order that crashes him, by a Blind God, destructive powers.
Blind, feels as if in a labyrinth.
Cannot enjoy.
General: cancer: tumour; ! leukaemia.
Fever: recuperative powers.
Vertigo: out of balance.
Head: brain pressure, < tumours, bleeding, encephalitis.
Face: stark, stiff, bars, cold; disfigured, hole like a small ear or half nose.
Mouth: ulcers, it encourages salivation.
Throat: sore, dissolves mucus, inflammation.
Lungs: cough, tight chest, difficulty breathing, chronic bronchitis; expectoration difficult.
Heart: anaemia; hypertension; haemorrhages; circulation, arteries and veins, arteriosclerosis, astringent at the flux.
Stomach: hiccough, appetizer, constriction of the lower part of oesophagus, stomachic, reflux.
Abdomen: liver and spleen problems.
Rectum: constipation; diarrhoea, colitis, piles, astringent in bleeding of the bowels, anthelmintic.
Urinary: encourages excretion.
Female: uterus, ovaria; rising; contractions of the vagina.
Skin: burns, vitiligo, virulent sores and ulcers, stops bleeding (styptic), snakebites; growth of hair slow.