Henry Allen
Allen Keynotes
Drosera rotundifolia
Whooping-cough with violent paroxysms which follow each other rapidly, is scarcely able to get breath (wakes at 6-7 a. m. and does not cease coughing until a large quantity of tenacious mucus is raised, Coc. c. - profuse epistaxis during every paroxysm, Ind.; "minute gun" during the day, whooping at night, Cor. r.). Deep sounding, hoarse barking cough (Verb.), < after midnight, during or after measles; spasmodic, with gagging, retching and vomiting (Bry., Kali c.). Constant, titillating cough in children, begins as soon as head touches pillow at night (Bell., Hyos, Rum.). Nocturnal cough of young persons in phthisis; bloody or purulent sputa. Cough: < by warmth, drinking, singing, laughing, weeping, lying down, after midnight. During cough; vomiting of water, mucus, and often bleeding at the nose and mouth (Cup.). Sensation of feather in larynx, exciting cough. Diseases prevailing during epidemic pertusis. Clergyman's sore throat; with rough, scraping, dry sensation deep in the fauces; voice hoarse, deep, toneless, cracked, requires exertion to speak (Arum.). Constriction and crawling in larynx; hoarseness, and yellow or green sputa. Laryngeal phthisis following whooping-cough (bronchial catarrh following, Coc. c.).