Jan Scholten
Wonderful Plants
655.26.13 Dirca palustris
English: Leatherwood; Moosewood; Rpe bark; Wicopy.
Source: Interhomeopathy, April 2012.
Time seemed to pass slowly. Dullness.
Frightful < cough. Running, jumping, energetic, happy.
Apprehension, expecting some bad news, everything seemed to worry and annoy.
Prostration; obliged to lie down; as if my senses would leave me.
Dull, can neither think nor study; dull and bewildered, great inertia all day, indisposition to talk.
Absent-minded about everything, writing the wrong words, difficulty in thinking what word to use while writing.
Difficult standing up for themselves.
Dreams: dead bodies.
Colour preference: white !.
Sensation: twisting, wringing, squeezing.
Time: < 3 am, 11 pm > 9 pm; every 2 or 4 days.
Desire: no thirst.
Food: < eating.
Sleep: sleepy but unable to sleep; hot and restless at night, cannot sleep.
Physical: < motion, < walking, < cough, > pressure, > bending forward, > stool.
Energy: debility.
Infection: chickenpox.
Nervous: neuralgia; staggering falling to left.
Vertigo: falling to the left, < walking.
Head: headache, all over, extending down into spine; temples extending inwards, > hard pressure; throbbing, beating, < coughing, < moving, < cough, > holding head; scalp feels dry and tight.
Eyes: sore, painful < touch; photophobia on waking, continuing all day, especially from gaslight; lids heavy; sensation as if brows corrugated and as if brain were also drawn down.
Face: red, blue, full, bloated, < morning.
Mouth: tongue coated smoothly and evenly white, dirty; sour taste; salivation.
Lungs: cough, < morning, raising offensive, sweetish-tasting mucus.
Heart: palpitation < least motion, < going up slight elevation; pulse suddenly weak and irregular.
Chest: sharp pain in right thorax running down into abdomen and up into left shoulder; great dyspnoea from exertion, from walking up a slight elevation.
Stomach: nausea, vomiting.
Abdomen: burning below umbilicus; lancinations in the left hypochondrium with tympanites; dull ache low down in pelvis, bearing down, not better by sitting or lying; rumbling in bowels; burning and uncomfortable sensation in bowels; colic, > bending forward, > stool but smarting in anus remains.
Rectum: throbbing, stitching, sore, smarting, < after stool; ineffectual straining and straining; constipation, urgent desire but passes only frothy mucus; diarrhoea; stools, sudden, gushing, watery, thin, yellowish, dry, sticky; flatulence.
Female: menses too early, scanty, prolonged; uterus seems too low, prolapse < stool.
Back: backache, heavy pain across back, through loins in region of kidneys.
Limbs: rheumatism; dull, neuralgic pain in both shoulders, legs, cannot keep them still; muscles of thighs sore and stiff.