Cyrus Boger
Synoptic key
A remedy of TERRORS, BUT LACKING IN PAIN; with suppressed excretions (Ver-a.), passing neither urine nor stool (Led.). Very mobile states. Tremor; nervous. Disorderly, graceful or rhythmic motions (Elap.), < head or arms. Chorea. Spasms, < night.
DREADS DARKNESS, and has a horror of glistening objects. Fearful, desires company or wants to escape. Active, variable delirium; talks incessantly; sees many, vividly brilliant or hideous phantoms, more to one side. Wildly excited, as in night terrors or delirium tremens, or does all sorts of crazy things. Raving mania, with cold sweat, cursing and praying. Religious insanity. The talk of others is intolerable. Self accusation. Loss of reason or speech. Stupid. Imbecile. Vertigo, < in dark. Jerks head up and drops it again. Fixed sparkling stare. Squint. Diplopia. Night blindness. Green vision. Crowding, visual hallucinations. Sees black. Delusions as to size and distance. Red, bloated or rapidly changing face; now flushed, now pale; a sardonic grin, then expresses terror. Frowning. Fine red dots on tongue. Stammering. Constantly spits saliva. Dry throat, with great thirst, yet dreads water; it chokes him. Hydrophobia. Putrid, dark, painless, involuntary diarrhoea. Sexual excitement (in males). Excessive menses, preceded by sexual excitement. Grasps the genitals. Nymphomania. Spasmodic cough. Spasm of larynx. Voice suddenly fails, in higher tones. Nervous asthma. Drawing in back. Sensitive spine. Violent pain in hip. Unilateral paralysis, with twitchings. Crawlings, as of many bugs. Non-appearing exanthema. Fiery scarlatinous rash. Sopor. Weeping, in dreams. Awakes in fear or screaming. Frightful visions.
Region: BRAIN; Circulation, Throat; Skin; Spinal nerves, Arms; Hip Left; Genitals.
Worse: Glistening objects; Fright; AFTER SLEEP; Dark, cloudy days; Suppression; Intemperance.
Better: LIGHT; Company; Warmth.