Jan Scholten
Wonderful Plants
665.71.08 Datura ferox
English: Chinese datura; Long-spined thorn-apple.
Mania, raving madness, completely out of her mind, < disturbed, sprang up raving and uttered unintelligible words.
Dance in the Japanese, Favanese fashion, < songs.
Delirium, < being aroused, awakened.
Motions peculiar, as if hands pick up something from the ground, moving away from an imaginary thing in the air.
Escape < held, shouted loudly, strike and kick when caught, lay on the ground curled up, with legs drawn up on abdomen and chest bent forward, groaned incessantly.
Considerable strength.
Speech peculiar, hoarse, feeble, hesitating; incoherent talk; answers rational, shortly, quickly, changing subjects, stops suddenly.
Senses perfect.
Physical: < touched.
Aversion: food.
Sleep: dizzy, sleepy, slept with eyes open.
General: rapid loss of muscles.
Nervous: tetanic spasms, usually in the legs.
Eyes: pupil dilated, or contracted; insensible to light, to touch; conjunctivae clear, pale bluish, bloodshot; vision could not be fixed on any object; lids closed.
Ears: otitis media.
Mouth: dry, lips, mouth; sour smell.
Throat: dry; difficulty in swallowing; hoarse.
Lungs: stertorous breathing.
Heart: pulse weak, imperceptible, slow and full; cold perspiration over whole body, death.
Stomach: loaded; vomiting.
Abdomen: loaded; enteritis, fever.
Rectum: constipation; diarrhoea, stool mucous, bloody.