Cyrus Boger
Synoptic key
Acrid secretions, pus, leucorrhoea, etc. Violent, irritative burning itching, burning smarting, burning boring, etc. with coldness of part affected. Neuralgia; after shingles. Ulcers. Effects of suppressed eczema capitis. As of a cool breeze. Sudden pains, then chilly, sore or numb. Emaciation of part. Gouty-rheumatic-syphilitic dyscrasia. One-sided symptoms, whole or partial; numbness of one side of scalp. Head pain (l), into eyes, malar bones, neck, etc., with lachrymation. Painful skull. Pains outward along brows. Eyes seem dry. Ears feel open to cool wind. Deafness. Facial neuralgias. Cracks in angles of mouth. Dry, dark red mouth. Blunt teeth. Toothache into temples; > cool air. Tongue coated along one side only. Sorethroat in winter. Gastric pain, > milk. Contracted, prolapsed rectum. Glistening particles in stool. Stubborn, leucorrhoea. Dry, tickling cough; unto vomiting; < hot things. Aching, itching in popliteae. Internal burning with external violent itching in small areas or single parts. Intolerable itching; changes place on scratching. Pruritis senilis. Eruptions ooze acrid, gluey moisture, form thick crusts, with pus beneath, or are chalky white. Milk crust. Deep, hard, painful ulcers; acrid pus, drying into crusts; < touch and warmth. Bones seem enlarged. Periostitis. Chilly; limbs feel cold. Heat of one hand.
Region: SKIN; Nerves or bones, Head; Face; Jaws; Mucous membranes, Mouth; Stomach; One side.
Worse: NIGHT; Suppressions; WARMTH OF BED, fire, etc; Cold air, drafts, damp; Motion; Touch; Mercury; Vaccination.
Better: Wrapping up (Nerves, Bones); Eating; Open air.