Jan Scholten
Wonderful Plants
633.42.01 Cymbopogon citratus
Dutch: citroengras.
Ailments from anger, vexation, irritability.
Harshness, rough, abrupt; unsympathetic, unscrupulous.
Violent, to make spouse submit.
Irritability: toward children; from trifles.
Impatience, restless, nervous, hasty, hurry, haste, in eating, movements, writing, talking.
Makes mistakes, < talking, wrong syllables, words, names, numbers, time.
Forgetfulness: of where he put things; of well-known streets.
Indifference, apathy with sleepiness, indolence, aversion to work; slowness.
Concentration difficult; stupefaction, as if intoxicated.
Euphoria; evening.
Clarity of thoughts.
Throws things: away.
Sexual desire increased, without erections.
Dreams: amorous; anger, angry; murder, murdering old lady; quarrels, strife, with a friend; of committing robbery; urinating; huge penis; thighs, weak, cannot stand.
Localisation: left.
Weather: < sun.
Desire: delicacies, herring; pickled herring; pepper; green chilli; spices; piquant food; food, < midnight.
Aversion: sweets.
Food: < cheese.
Sleep: prolonged; sleepiness, < riding.
Physical: < exertion.
Energy: weakness of muscles, < exertion, too weak to stand.
Vertigo: < blowing the nose, < turning or moving the head, as if intoxicated.
Head: headache, dull, pressing, vertex, temples, occiput, extending to forehead, ear, eyes, < evening.
Eyes: agglutinated, mucus or pus, yellow, < morning, unable to open eyes; dryness, < morning; on waking; sensation of hair; inflammation; conjunctivitis, night; itching; evening; pain; left; canthi, right, extending to face and temple, extending to upper jaw, < cold air; vision acute, dim, lost, blindness, transient.
Ears: red, hot, itching, stitching, external meatus, right, > warmth; noises, left; earwax increased.
Nose: discharge bloody, yellow, < blowing nose; crusts, scabs, inside, left, painful; inflammation; tip raw, inflamed.
Face: tired; grey, pale; acne, left cheek; pimples, around eyebrows; goose flesh, tingling, prickling, in waves, > holding hand on face; twitching eyebrows, left; pain articulation of jaws, left, < chewing.
Mouth: dry, < morning; lips dry, chapped, swollen, right, < cheese; pain, burning, corners of mouth, right; aphthae, palate; taste salty; biting cheek, < talking, < chewing; gums pain, right, lower, bleeding, < brushing teeth; tongue pain, burning, sore, tip, < brushing teeth, < morning; swelling tongue, swelling papillae; vesicles on tip of tongue.
Throat: pain, pressing, tonsils, < night, < swallowing; voice low, nasal.
Lungs: difficult respiration, < running, < short run.
Heart: pain, pressing; palpitation heart, < dreams, < waking.
Stomach: aching; belching of food; waterbrash; etching, < eating, < vomiting.
Abdomen: distension, tympanitic; pain dragging, stitching, bearing down, right hypochondrium, < dinner, > bend double, < jarring, > lying on right side, > limbs drawn up, < standing.
Rectum: constipation; urge, < 10 am, stool insufficient, incomplete, unsatisfactory, like balls, soft, tenacious; diarrhoea, < afternoon; anus itching, fissures; haemorrhage < stool.
Urinary: disorders.
Male: erections, troublesome, difficult, incomplete; impotence.
Female: menses scanty, daytime only, protracted; cracks, cervix.
Back: pain, burning, < menses; cracking, cervical, < turning head; pain cervical region, muscles trapezius, extending to shoulder.
Limbs: rheumatism; cramps legs, calves; awkward hands, drops things; writing irregular, legs, knocks against things; jerking thighs, calves, < afternoon, < sitting; numbness hands, left fingers, < grasping anything; stiffness lower limbs; tension shoulders; tingling feet; trembling hands, afternoon; blues spots on thighs; sensation of electrical current in hands; blotches forearms.
Skin: eruptions, itching, vesicles, desquamating, elbow, calves, forearm, fingers, fifth, little finger; pimples, legs, nates; inflammation fourth finger, ring finger; itching, < scratching; mosquito bites; fungous growths.