Jan Scholten
Wonderful Plants
633.74.00 Maxillarioideae
Botany: stem in a single direction; cellular pollinium stalk, = stipe; superposed pollinia; incumbent anther, that bends early in development.
Cymbidieae: ± 120 genera; ± 1800 species; tropical; mostly epiphytic; sympodial growth habit and two pollinia.
Maxillarieae: ± 80 genera: ± 1000 species; tropical America; mostly epiphytes, few terrestrials or myco-heterotrophs; pseudobulbs, some have reedlike or thick underground stems; blooms have four pollinia.
Maxillarieae and Cymbidieae form a monophyletic clade in the Orchidaceae. Together with Vanoideae they are also called Higher Epidendroideae.
In the Plant theory they are taken together as Maxillarioideae. Maxillarioideae is in Subphase 4 of the Orchidales. As such they are at the level of Family and could be named Maxillariaceae.
The theme is that of feeling an outsider but at the same time feeling they have the right to belong to the group, should be at the centre of it. This can make them deceitful in order to achieve their goals. They want to be rich so that they can show off, make impressions on women and have easy relationships. The ways to make the money are less important for them, the only thing is they should not be seen as a crook and get rejected.
They can be very charming and benevolent, making contact easily with almost anyone.
Deceitful by using their power.