Jan Scholten
Wonderful Plants
633.51.06 Crocosmia crocosmiiflora
English: Montbresia
DD: Carbon, Aluminium.
Source: Sense provings.
They are very lively and want to live life to the fullest. But they are also somewhat impulsive and naïve which can lead them into situations where they get abused and taken advantage off. Those kinds of disappointments make them reserved and wanting to live on their own. They prefer to live solitary above being in a relationship that is not fulfilling them. It makes life harder but they are tough enough to stand that.
Impulsive, naïve.
Vibrant, vivacious, cheerful, Bohemian.
One-sided, rectilinear, one perspective.
Irritated by pushy people.
Desire to be left alone.
Refined, elegant.
Tasteful, good taste, aesthetic, good clothing.
Know what they want.
Go their own way, are not much disturbed what happens around them.
Girl, 16, lean, good looking, sportive, knowing what she wants, likes to experiment with boys but careful not to be abused.
Keeps emotions for herself, looks untouched.
Shocked that people can be dishonest.
Later in life disappointed about dishonesty of people.
Straight, direct, not poisonous, clear, honest but closed.
Knowing that there is more than one “real love”.
As a child stubborn, going their own way, quiet, rebel when forced.
Parents are good, have a good marriage, are nice but have not really found each other.
Weather: flushes of heat.
Aversion: food, anorexia.
Nose: hayfever, itch nose, sneezing.
Face: acne rosacea, red, fiery.
Throat: thyroid problems, hyperthyroidy, nodules, adenomes.
Rectum: haemorrhoids.
Female: dysmenorrhoea, pain in abdomen, below umbilicus, fullness.
Limbs: soles itching, burning, hot, restless.