Jan Scholten
Wonderful Plants
655.53.12 Cistus canadensis, Helianthemum canadense
English: Rock rose.
Source: Carlos Lima Melo.
Cistus is the only remedy from Cistales that is known reasonably in homeopathy. A typical keynote is the aggravation from cheese, a Nitrogen symptom.
They have a kind of contradiction in that they know what they want and what is right on the one hand and on the other hand have a lack of power and courage to realise things and find a place for themselves. They know that they are special and have many qualities and still others take their achievements away.
Have not protected themselves; withdrawing into a tower, invincible.
Tried to keep their innocent mind, which caused problems.
Mute, or talking a lot, as a protection, not saying what makes him vulnerable.
Nervous: paralysed after vexation, anger, mental exertion, mental excitement.
She does not dare to speak out; speaking out causes paralysis.
Held in anger for fear of being excluded, banned.
Nervous system weakened, chronically, from prolonged fearful worry, chronic loss of sleep, hectic and demanding life, frightening circumstances, < one's own or another's death.
Fixations and obsessions, fearful, phobias, panic disorders, linked with a certain person, object, or circumstance which will trigger renewed fear on contact even when the real danger has passed.
Frequent starting and inner trembling, physical anxiety, intense fear and panic.
Agreeable mood, soft, weak people, do not stand confrontations.
An impossible love.
Retiring in himself, impenetrable.
Idealistic disappointment.
Innocent, naïve, does not protect himself.
Mocked for his sincerity.
Ailments from quarrels at school.
Her right begins where others right finish.
Giving everything, doing everything for lover.
Desire freedom, a good financial condition, with the sea in front of me.
Freedom is essential, fighting for it, changing places for it.
Anger, desire to kill the person that did bad things to loved ones.
Averse breaking the rights of others.
Fighting to break the limits, < persons invading my freedom, my right to choose.
Desires that others respect their limit, their freedom and their right.
Dreams: frequent nightmares.
Weather: < cold, chilly; internal cold.
Desire: cheese, acid food, fruits, apple, pungent.
General: cancerous remedy.
Head: migraine.
Nose: pain, cold < inspiration; pain nose bridge, sinusitis ethmoidalis.
Throat: stitching pain < excitement, < anger, < cold air.
Lungs: asthma with desire for cold air, doors and windows open; cough << mental excitement, < cold air, < inspiration.
Heart: inflammation of the vessels.
Chest: breasts: pain, inflammation.
Stomach: belching feel cold.
Back: neck glands: swelling of lymph nodes.
Skin: eruptions, eczema, vesicles, hands, fingers.