Jan Scholten
Wonderful Plants
642.15.14 Corydalis cava
Names: Corydalis tuberosa, Corydalis bulbosa, Fumaria cava, Fumaria bulbosa, Pseudofumaria major, Capnoides cava; Greek korydalis, a crested lark; Korys means “helmet”, referring to the shape of the flower.
English: Hollowroot, birthwort.
Dutch: Holwortel.
German: Hohlwurz.
Botany: Europe; bowl-shaped hollowed-out tuber; lightly shaded areas, beech forests; clay soil.
Chinese: Yan-hu-suo.
Content: protopine, bulbocapnine.
Sadness without cause. Indifference.
Localisation: right.
Weather: > warmth.
Time: < 3 am.
Desire: food, voracious, pungent, sour.
Aversion: wine.
Food: < coffee, < eating.
Sleep: waking << hunger.
Physical: < motion, < closing eyes.
Nervous: Parkinsonism.
Vertigo: as if ground were giving way.
Head: headache, right-sided, forehead, temple, occiput; pressing shooting; < closing eyes, < motion, > open air, + heat of head.
Conjunctiva: catarrh, inflammation, burning pains.
Nose: obstruction; yellowish mucus, < rest, < warmth.
Mouth: inflammation, burning pains.
Throat: swollen < lying; thyroid feels enlarged; larynx catarrh, inflammation, burning pains.
Lungs: dyspnoea, + anxiety, + palpitation, + sweat forehead.
Heart: palpitations; paroxysmal, < lying on left side, < ascending, < 3 am.
Stomach: pain pressing, < eating, < coffee, < bending double, > stretching; + nausea, retching and diarrhoea, catarrh, inflammation, burning pains, sensitive < pressure.
Rectum: catarrh, inflammation, burning pains.
Urinary: urethra catarrh; inflammation, burning pains.
Female: dysmenorrhoea; vulval catarrh, inflammation, burning pains.
Back: lower back pain.
Limbs: joint problems, rheumatic pains, hands fingers.
Skin: furunculosis.