Jan Scholten
Wonderful Plants
665.16.13 Cornus alba, Cornus alternifolia
English: Swamp Walnut, Alternate-leaved dogwood.
Source: F. H. Lutze HRecorder.
They feel awful, uneasy.
No ambition to do anything.
Fear: something terrible is going to happen.
Dreams: exciting; dead rats mashed to a pulp; coitus and has an emission.
Sleep: disturbed, broken, < noise; tossed and turned all night; insomnia.
Physical: > walking in open air, > supper.
General: emaciation.
Fever: intermittent.
Vertigo: dizzy.
Head: heavy, < fever; pain, pressing, dull, violent; forehead, right; < motion; < stooping, everything would come out.
Nose: sneezing, head partially stopped up towards night.
Face: eruption, chin right side, small pustules; ringworm, forehead, right side; pustules on face and neck.
Mouth: sore, annoying, sticking, pricking; < contact with food, < moving mouth; tongue yellowish white.
Throat: raw, lodged; frequent clearing, scraping; heavy.
Lungs: cough; cancer.
Heart: pain, dull.
Chest: cold feeling in chest as if full of ice; heavy on chest.
Stomach: nausea, < dinner; vomiting, gave relief and heat followed.
Abdomen: pain, dull; right side, liver, < 11 am.
Rectum: diarrhoea, < 5 pm; stool hard at first, then loose; difficult; scanty or absent.
Back: pain, across small of back.
Limbs: aching; left shoulder.
Skin: eruptions, eczema, cracks, pustules; wrist, chin, right; ringworm, forehead, right; pustules, face neck; cracks, in fold or crease, exuding a sticky watery fluid.