Jan Scholten
Wonderful Plants
633.46.00 Commelinales
English: Dayflower family; Spiderwort family.
Botany: 40 genera; 650 species; great variation in morphology, especially of the flower and inflorescence, flowers short-lived, lasting for a day or less, offer only pollen; deceive pollinators by appearing to offer a larger reward than is actually present. This is accomplished with various adaptations such as yellow hairs or broad anther connectives that mimic pollen, or staminodes that lack pollen but appear like fertile stamens.
DD: Silicon, Phosphorus; Nitrogenium, Natrium, Silicon, Muriaticum.
In the Apg3 classification Commelinales is an Order.
In the plant theory Commelinales is placed at the level of a family, in a Subphase. It can be given the name Commelinaceae but then the other families of Commelinales have to be included in Commelinaceae and be treated as subfamilies.
- Commelinaceae: Aetheolirion, Amischotolype, Aneilema, Anthericopsis, Belosynapsis, Buforrestia, Callisia, Cartonema, Cochliostema, Coleotrype, Commelina, Cyanotis, Dichorisandra, Dictyospermum, Elasis, Floscopa, Geogenanthus, Gibasis, Gibasoides, Matudanthus, Murdannia, Palisota, Plowmanianthus, Pollia, Polyspatha, Porandra, Pseudoparis, Rhopalephora, Sauvallea, Siderasis, Spatholirion, Stanfieldiella, Streptolirion, Tapheocarpa, Thyrsanthemum, Tinantia, Tradescantia, Tricarpelema, Triceratella, Tripogandra, Weldenia.
- Hanguanaceae: Hanguana.
- Haemodouraceae: Anigozanthos, Barberetta, Blancoa, Conostylis, Dilatris, Haemodourum, Lachnanthes, Macropidia, Phlebocarya, Pyrrorhiza, Schiekia, Tribonanthes, Wachendorfia, Xiphidium.
- Philydraceae: Helmholtzia, Philydrella, Philydrum.
- Pontederiaceae: Eichhornia, Heteranthera, Hydrothrix, Monochoria, Pontederia, Scholleropsis.
They feel seduced into a relationship they did not want. Their feeling of responsibility for their children and their spouse and the idea that family relationships should be stable often makes them stay in the relationship. But it feels to them as if are giving too much and getting too little in return. They have the feeling of being used and abused. This can lead to bitterness, blaming their spouse or children.
They present themselves as normal, as if there is nothing wrong or problematic.
So they can stay who they are.
Expansion, profusion, invasion, intrusion, suffocation, strangle.
Loquacious, eloquent, gregarious, brilliant, lively.
Family is very important.
They do not show who they are.
Theme: water, floating.
Fear: being dirty, ugly; being used.