Jan Scholten
Wonderful Plants
644.75.16 Coccinia palmata
Culture: the promised land; Butterfly blues.
Source: Kenton provings.
They are in terrible situations but are given hope, the hope of a new land, the promised land. They can be emigrants who hope to get a new start in a foreign country but are given a piece of barren land. They are seduced into projects but are cheated and all their possessions are lost. They are seduced by innocent looking girls who urn out to be whores with gonorrhoea and they end up with a sexual disease.
They want to get much out of life but usually they lose everything. They can become cheaters, women leading brothels to seduce young men to spend all their money at their home.
Young girls being promised a good career in the western world but ending up in a brothel.
Young men being promised a splendid career but ending up as a slave on a ship.
Parents who have failed themselves and project all their hopes for a better life onto their children and give them everything. They hope and expect that their children will share their ammassed wealth with them later in life and can become very disappointed when their spoiled children only live for themselves.
Rotten, disgusting.
Spoiled, spoiled love, spoiled career.
Seduced by big promises.
Desire: richness; quick money.
Fear: poverty; dark side, of sex.
Lazy, let others working for you.
Desire: drugs; chocolate.
Infection: sexual transmitted diseases, gonorrhoea, syphilis, AIDS.
Heart: weakness, rotten.
Stomach: nausea.
Female: infertility; uterus and ovarian duct inflammations; miscarriage.