Cyrus Boger
Synoptic key
Clematis rectan
Clematis recta
Flaccid muscles. VERY HARD, PAINFULLY SWOLLEN GLANDS; TESTES (r). Burning, itching, stinging, crawling pains.
Indifference. Chronic conjunctivitis. Iritis. Lachrymation. Urine flows by starts, or dribbles; strains out a few drops, then full stream follows. Stricture (Con.). Mucus in urine. Swelled inguinal glands and spermatic cord; with cutting, sore pains. Orchitis. Loathes coition. Full, heavy, sensitive breasts; outward darts in. Skin itches violently, with profuse desquamation. Vesicles. Pustules. Corroding eruptions; ending in flat, eating ulcers; with thick crusts and eczema; < occiput and lower legs. Sleepiness.
Region: MUCOUS MEMBRANES, EYES; URETHRA; GLANDS, TESTES; Epididymis; Mammae; Ovaries; Skin, scalp; Occiput.
Worse: GONORRHOeA; Heat of bed; NIGHT; Cold washing; Light; Moon, < and > with (Phel; Tarn;); Mercury.
Better: Sweat.