Jan Scholten
Wonderful Plants
655.41.11 Citrus medica, Citrus limetti
Names: Citrus limetta; Citrus acris
English: Lime; Lemon; Bergamot.
Source: Le Roux; Otmar Neuhöfer and Evelyn Feltes.
Botany: West Indies, Italy.
Phase 4: stable, fixed, rigid; central, accepted.
Subphase 1: acute, sharp, fresh; naïve, impulsive; outsider.
Worn out businessman. Busy
Ailments from mortification, humiliation, chagrin.
Strong responsibility.
Much ambition, withdraws at the point of reaching his highest ambition.
Censorious, critical; toward superiors.
Delusion he has neglected his duty.
Anger, irascibility; with himself; with weakness.
Indifference, apathy; has no desires; no action of the will.
Calm and quiet.
Theme: yellow, heat, expansion, fire, light, youth, power, divine eternity, harmony of Yin and Yang.
Dream: very old, sick, crippled person on the bridge, hit by a truck, blood all over, one leg and hands missing.
Dream: drowning in water, not asking for help.
Dream: on one side riots going on, on the other side school children walking calmly, quietly, as if nothing occurred.
Sensation: squeezing; twisting, crushing, broken, compressed, constricted, choking, strangling; numbness.
Physical: desire for stretching, > stretching.
Desire: oysters.
Aversion: food, loathing of food.
Sleep: sleepless; indisposed to rise.
General: scurvy; haemorrhages.
Energy: weak, exhausted, enervation, neurasthenia; worn out; lassitude; drained.
Vertigo: faintness.
Nervous: cerebral haemorrhage.
Head: daily headache.
Eyes: weak; detachment of retina; inclination to look with one eye.
Mouth: inflammation, gums, tongue; taste insipid, flat, wanting, loss; cancer tongue.
Lungs: dyspnoea.
Heart: pulse fast, weak; hypertension; thrombosis.
Stomach: heartburn, chronic; nausea; burning pain.
Abdomen: rumbling, flatus, < parasites; worms; spleen pain, inflammation, enlarged; liver and gall problems, jaundice; spleen problems.
Rectum: diarrhoea.
Urinary: dropsy.
Male: impotence; sexual desire increased, excessive.
Female: menses excessive; cancer of uterus.
Limbs: tired, heavy, weak, stiff, legs, joints; ataxia; dislocation, sprains of ankle; inflammation of veins, thrombosis; stiffness in the joints, particularly in the fingers, bruised feeling, particularly in the feet.
Skin: herpetic eruptions.