Jan Scholten
Homeopathy and the Elements
6.12.1 Cinnabaris
‘If they touch my wife I’ll kill them’
Cinnabaris is a mercury compound that is found in nature in the form of a red mineral, called mercury sulphide, or Mercurius sulphuratum. Its chemical formula is HgS.
Mercurius Sulphuratum
Disturbing Love
Tyranny Marriage Partner
Conservative Self love Egotism
Anti revolutionary Jealousy
Revolutionary Joy Satisfaction
Division Harmony Aesthetic
Suspicion Clothes
Igniting Lazy
Manipulation Ugly
Acting like a tyrant to hold on to love.
Manipulation at the cost of love.
Suspicious towards your partner.
A suspicious partner.
Using love in the fight against revolution.
Disturbed relationships.
Tyrannical love.
Manipulating clothes.
Decline of power leads to neglect.
Picture of Cinnabaris
Essence: Acting like a tyrant to preserve love.
Acting like a tyrant to preserve love
They feel they have to achieve an awful lot in order to be loved. The think that their partner or their friends won’t love them if they don’t reach a high position in society. They have to get and hold on to a good managerial post. The first part of it is not so difficult, but holding on to it is not easy as their are always predators around who want to take over. So they have to be on their guard all the time, they even have to apply dictatorial tactics to make sure they can keep hold on to the position as leader. They have to be the best manager in the best job, but they are afraid of failure and of being pushed aside.
Suspicious towards your partner
They don’t really dare to show their inner feelings to their partner, out of fear that he or she will look through them and not love them anymore. If their partner really sees what is inside them they are bound to leave them, take over their position, threaten them or even kill them. Because they are so suspicious they find it hard to really love their partner.
A suspicious on behalf of your partner
Or they may be afraid that their partner is going to be threatened, especially if their partner is involved in politics and he has to take some rather unpopular decisions in his function as leader. Then they are afraid that the revolutionary factions will try and take revenge. They can get terribly angry with people who threaten their partner, they may even want to kill these ‘enemies’.
Decline of power leads to neglect
As soon as they realise that they can’t hold on to their power they get depressed and suicidal. They may neglect their partner and refuse to take care of themselves. Their first reaction is to start working even harder, to try and regain some sort of dignity and respect. But deep inside they still feel unloved and will soon also begin to neglect their work.
Fears: heights, falling, murder, being murdered, death, suicide, heart disease, stroke, insanity, crowds, people, religious, salvation, conscience, devil, God, poverty, dirt, ugliness.
Dreams: heights, falling.
Delusions: superior, alone, mania.
Irritability: suppressed (3!), angry, murderous impulses, < offence.
Mood: haughty, hasty, impatient, indifferent, gloomy, suicidal.
Mental: absent minded, confused, forgetful, rigid, insane.
Professions: king, leader, director, manager, president, chairman, captain, mayor, bishop, top sportsman or woman.
Causes: disaster, hurt, humiliation, too much responsibility, loss of loved ones.
Type: male, dark hair, overweight.
Locality: left (3).
Weather: warm, > open air; < cloudy, gloomy, < dry.
Perspiration: easy, < exertion: stinking.
Time: < 5 am and 9 pm, < night.
Desires: sweet (3), alcohol, fruit, fat, fried, spices, sour, cold drinks, drugs, bread, meat.
Aversion: egg, bread, sour, meat, eating.
Food: eating, < fasting.
Menses: < menses, < pregnancy, < during and after giving birth.
Sleep: deep, frequent waking, < sleeping late; sleeplessness (3), snoring.
Physical: < rest, < sitting, walking, > motion, pressure, > rubbing, < touch, < - bathing.
Weakness, nervousness and restlessness.
Pains: boring, contracting, full, pulsating, burning.
Sensations: swollen, blown up, heavy, full.
Discharges: thick and yellow, stinking of rotten eggs.
Glands swollen, inflamed, indurated. Abscesses and necrosis.
Paralysis, Parkinson’s, multiple sclerosis.
Epilepsy, clonic, tonic, tetanic. No feeling. Cancer.
Headache, as if eyes are being pushed out. Face swollen. trembling, < anger.
Eye complaints: inflammations, disturbance in vision,Strabismus, divergent.
trouble with teeth: pain.
Throat infections (3).
Heart complaints: high blood pressure, infarction, failure.
Congestion of blood. Cerebral haemorrhage, anaemia, haemorrhages, haematoma, congestion; varicose veins, heavy legs, cerebral haemorrhage.
Pulse: too fast, too slow, full, weak, irregular.
Diarrhoea. Diabetes.
Problems with testes and ovaries: inflammations, cancer, cryptorchism, sterility, amenorrhoea, metrorragia.
Affections of bones: necrosis, inflammation.
Skin: inflammations with yellow pus; acne.
DD: Silicon series, Gold series, Stage 12 and 16.