Jan Scholten
Wonderful Plants
666.77.01 Cicuta virosa
Names: Cicuta virosa, Selinum virosum, Cicutaria aquatica, Cicuta cellulosa, Sium cicuta, Coriandrum cicuta.
English: Water Hemlock; Snakeroot; Beaver-poison; Musquash-root; Cowbane.
German: Tollkraut; Parzenkraut; Borstenkraut; Giftiger Wasserschierling.
Dutch: Waterscheerling.
Cicuta is one of the most violent epileptic remedies. It is often indicated in children with epilepsy, distortion and mental retardation after birth trauma. It is a state of sudden trauma and torture, leading to shock and distortion. They feel left alone by nature and God when their body does not work anymore due to paralysis. They are childish, naïve, indicting Stage 1. Even when rejected by family, friends and society they hope to get a second chance. It is a naïve hope.
Foolish, childish, idiocy, clown. Betrayed child.
Mentally strong, thinking constantly, absorbed in thoughts.
Fear: strangers, foolish people.
Mistakes: writing, adding.
Sensitive, oversensitive: noises, light, smells.
Company: desire, aversion, > consolation, > sympathy, < alone.
Laughing spasmodically, silly.
Sexual excitability.
Playful, desire to play.
Rejects everything offered to him.
Retardation, autism, idiocy.
Dependent, < leaving parents.
Marriage: aversion.
Violent shocks bring on hatred and stupor.
Delusion sex is rape and disgrace, being abused as an object.
Dreams: sexual; voluptuous, amorous with ejaculations.
Dreams: vivid; many; confused; disquietude; business; pursued; historical; pleasant; restless; unpleasant.
Sensation: numb.
Type: obese.
Localisation: right.
Weather: chilly, > warmth, < cold; internal chill, <<< snow, < draught, < heat.
Time: < 1 am, < 3 am, < morning.
Desire: indigestible things, chalk, charcoal, raw potatoes, spicy, alcohol wine, mustard, cabbage, cold, food.
Aversion: milk, fat.
Food: < alcohol, < wine, < beer, < tobacco, < coffee, milk, food.
Sleep: long, deep, sleepy; sleepless; grinding of teeth.
Physical: < motion, < active exercise, > gentle motion, < after sitting; < touch, < slightest touch, < jar, < noise, < splinters.
Nervous: epilepsy, < heat, < eating, < touch, < night, > vomiting; <<< injury, of spine, << after labour; convulsions, violent, tonic, clonic, stretching limbs, face distorted, centrifugal; aura in solar plexus, auditory; with loss of consciousness, suspension of breathing, swelling stomach, violent spasms of the diaphragm; screaming; red or bluish face; lockjaw, hypsarrhythmia; tics, opistotonus, torticollis, trismus, lockjaw, chorea, spasm, < sleep; neuralgia; paralysis; tetanus.
Vertigo: falling, < rising, < motion, > lying.
Head: headache, > flatus, < washing head.
Eyes: twitching, strabismus, converging; cataract; vision of colours, points, flickering, stars, diplopia, diminished, blind.
Ears: hearing noises, deafness.
Nose: tip.
Mouth: teeth clenching; < dentition.
Nose: smell acute, oversensitive, diminished, lost.
Throat: lump, spasm, constant swallowing.
Lungs: asthma, < coition, < weeping; cough hacking; pneumonia.
Chest: breasts pain, inflammation, milk copious or scanty.
Abdomen: full, distended, bloated.
Rectum: constipation, prolapse; colitis ulcerative.
Urinary: bladder inflammation; urine retention.
Male: pain testes, chordee.
Back: cold, < morning; kyphosis.
Limbs: heavy, numb, weary; walks on lateral side of feet.
Skin: pustules which run together, eczema without itching; head and face; exudation forming thick, hard, lemon coloured, yellow scabs, crusts.