Jan Scholten
Wonderful Plants
666.43.06 Cichorium intybus
English: Chicory; Coffee chicory; Belgian endive; French endive.
German: Wegwarte, means guardian of the road.
French: Cichoree sauvage.
Use: salad, root for coffee.
Content: glycoside.
Culture: myth of Mary fleeing to Egypt to save Jesus from the murderer Herod, her tears caused Chicory to grow.
They think that they have to be insistent that things go the way they want. They fear that things will go wrong if it is not done their way. They think they know the best about what has to be done and how it has to be done. This comes from a situation in the past, often in childhood, where they adapted to others and things went wrong.
This attitude can make them domineering, bossy and even tyrannical; at least that is how others easily can see them. This is even more so in situations where they are doing things for others, where they are caring for people or where they are a parent for children. There they are deciding for others, not only for themselves. It is difficult for them to imagine that sometimes it is better to let things go wrong, that others may need the mistakes as an experience. They cannot easily see that the autonomy of others is an important issue as such and that it is better to let things go for others the way they want.
They can become bossy, manipulating, controlling, dictatorial, tyrannical, wanting things to go their way for fear that they will otherwise go wrong. They can behave like a king, like an overprotective mother. They are convinced that their perceptions and opinions are correct and assume the right to force them on others. They have to become insistent because they also have an inherent tendency to adapt to others.
They feel misunderstood, unappreciated, unloved. They feel that others do not see their good intentions and clear visions. They would like to scream at others but they have learned as a child that does not help.
Controlling and service-oriented, while suppressing hostile emotions and demanding attention when sick.
Over-caring and possessive for welfare of others.
Self-centered approach to caring, since the true needs of the care recipient may not be noticed or found unimportant by the caretaker.
Forceful, unnecessary.
Possessive, egoist.
Screaming << possessions taken away.
Idealistic, refined but difficult to reach that goal, misunderstood by others.
Pompous but sings with whoever talks the loudest.
Conviction that one's perceptions and opinions are correct and one assumes the right to force them on others.
Indisposition to bodily and mental exertion.
Aversion to be looked at or touched.
Nervous, fearful, screaming, - > small, nice babies and animals.
Censorious unforgiving.
Anger < not being, offended ungrateful.
No self-reliance, no self-confidence.
Fussy mannerism.
Face prone to pout or look hurt and withdrawn.
Hypochondriac, conversion disorders, feigning sickness, hysteria, hysterical neurosis, to gain attention, these being the involuntary, physical symptomatic expression of an unvoiced love need.
Emotional hurt, self-pity and a refusal to give.
Self-protective, anxious attempt to hold in emotions.
Self-pity in the care-giving person, a sense of not being appreciated for one's efforts.
Fairly rigid opinions and ways of working with others.
Hard, thankless, domineering.
Ailments from lack of protection of the father, parents divorced.
Fear: playing outside, < fright; losing friends, family.
Colour preference: 1A, 1B, 1C.
Sensation: heavy.
Localisation: left.
Weather: chilly.
Time: < 1 am.
Desire: meat, milk, fruit, raw vegetables, cucumber.
Aversion: meat, milk, cooked vegetables, lettuce, endive, chicory.
General: cachexia.
Energy: drowsy, weak, lack of energy; indisposition to bodily and mental exertion.
Fever: influenza; pest; heat; sinusitis, frontalis.
Discharge: haemorrhages, ecchymosis.
Head: headaches in children; constriction, band, hoop.
Eyes: hot dark weak, sore and inflamed eyes; deadness, vision dim, reading unable night.
Nose: hayfever.
Mouth: salivation, chewing paralysed.
Throat: pharyngitis; hoarseness.
Lungs: coughed a good deal night and morning; bronchial asthma, difficulty in expiring.
Heart: weak; arteriosclerosis.
Stomach: weak hot burning heavy; upset; dyspepsia; feeling of a weight; anorexia, vomiting, nausea, bulimia and overeating.
Abdomen: indigestion; bowels relaxed, constipation; diarrhoea; hemorrhoids; liver weak jaundice; obstructions of liver, gall, spleen, jaundice.
Urinary: urine hot, scanty; cystitis; oedema.
Female: menses late.
Back: neuralgia, stitching, right side of the neck, muscles, sudden attacks; sciatica, left.
Limbs: rheumatic pain, hands, fingers, wrist, feet, ankles; left hand, forearm; gout, rheumatism, joint stiffness; varicose veins, lymph oedema legs.
Skin: swellings, inflammations; swelling, small, burning, itching, pimples; wounds; ulcers; podagra.