Jan Scholten
Wonderful Plants
665.46.05 Chionanthus virginicus, Chionanthus
English: Olive tree family.
French: Chionanthe; Arbre de neige.
DD: Phosphor, Silicon, Sulphur, Silver series.
Feels responsible for the family; the children, but does not know how to proceed, what is the best way.
Keeps doubting and loses his love. The relationship starts deteriorating and cannot go on because all the attention goes to responsibility.
He cannot go on with a relationship out of fear that the family will have a negative effect from it.
He does not know how and where to be, not at ease.
Worse from social pressure and sexual pressure; desire to escape from them.
Nervous > consolation, < disturbances.
Sadness, listless, apathy, loathing life. Pessimistic; takes a gloomy view of things.
Fear dark.
Desire to be alone. Nervousness; unable to sit still or to write.
Feels played out. No desire to do anything.
Hypochondriac, inclined to look on the dark side.
Prostrated after preaching: a running sermon in his mind and kept him awake.
Stupid, drowsy all the time.
Type: right.
Weather: < cold.
Sweat: head, face < sleep.
Time: < 9 am.
Desire: alcohol, stimulants, meat, chicken, eggs, fruit, fat, buttermilk.
Aversion: food.
Food: < hot drinks, < stimulants, > eating.
Physical: < motion, < jarring, < walking, > lying on abdomen, > sitting, < waking.
Sleep: sleepless, nervous, restless after going to bed; sleepy during the day.
General: glandular disorders.
Infection: malaria.
Head: headaches, neurasthenic, periodical, sick, menstrual, bilious; dull, forehead, chiefly over eyes, through temples; < stooping, < motion, < jar, < laughing, < coughing.
Eyes: eyeballs very painful, pressure over root of nose; yellow conjunctiva.
Mouth: dry, = drinking; profuse saliva; tongue broad, thick yellow fur.
Abdomen: pain, paroxysmal; aching, umbilical region, griping; string tied in a slip knot around intestines, suddenly drawn tight and then gradually loosened; liver sore, tender; enlarged, deranged; jaundice; gallstones; spleen enlarged; diabetes mellitus.
Rectum: constipation; stool clay coloured, yellow, soft, pasty.
Urinary: urine very dark, high specific gravity; bile, sugar; frequent urination.
Skin: yellow; marked moisture; sallow, greenish, itching.