Jan Scholten
Wonderful Plants
666.47.04 Chamaemelum nobile, Anthemis nobilis
English: Common chamomile.
French: Camomille riomaine.
Social crisis after having lost his high position and their benefits.
Energy: lassitude.
Extremely lazy; no desire to leave bed, or read; with a little fever.
Weather: coldness, < cold air, < touch of cold things.
Sweat: < slight exertion.
Desire: appetite greatly increased; loss of appetite; thirst, > drinking cold water.
Food: > food, > meat.
Energy: malaise, weakness, lassitude, gluteal region.
Head: intense headache, vertex, pressing from within; feeling as if the top of her head were blown off.
Nose: coryza with sneezing and lachrymation, watery discharge, < warm room, < indoors.
Throat: constriction and rawness, < drinking; slight cutting in swallowing liquids.
Mouth: bitterness; tongue coated white, with islands on it.
Lungs: cough, tickling, worse in warm room.
Stomach: severe vomiting.
Abdomen: pain from right side to left side, just above navel, transverse colon; then the bowels became relaxed, the stools were at first white, then putty like; ineffectual desire for stool; griping, chilliness, passing downwards into the legs as far as the knees; liver pain, aching.
Rectum: light coloured stool, itching of the anus; urging but mucus is passed only.
Urinary: bladder distended; frequent urination.
Male: pain along spermatic cord, which feels full, as if has varicose veins.
Skin: itching of the soles, as if from chilblains; goose-flesh.