Jan Scholten
The biggest controversy is between instinct and humanity. The emerging quality of humanity coming from the Lanthanides is in contrast to the vital functions and motives of the Carbon and Silicon series. This is very nicely expressed in the fairy tale “The Frog Prince”. The frog represents the animalistic side of man and the human princess abhors the idea of having to mix with him. It is as if the two sides are watching each other all the time, trying to control and dominate the other.
The fear is that one will be rejected and excluded by one’s family and friends when one gives in too much to one’s instincts. There is a strong desire to belong to the group. It is therefore paramount to control oneself and to adapt to the rules and norms of the group. But that gets into conflict with the desire to be autonomous and human as the rules of the group can also be very dogmatic and inhuman.
The solution is the realisation that instincts are vital and beautiful, that they cooperate with humanistic values.
They realise that one can be autonomous and still have good relationships, that it is not necessary to compromise or adapt in order to have contact.
The Lanthanide quality is emerging, still fragile, not very outspoken. It is the first recognition of that quality without knowing its depths. It can be seen in the reduction of projection. In the Rosidae projection of the problems onto others is still a main attitude. In the Asteridae projection is becoming less and less due to the introspective quality of the Lanthanides. It gives a realisation that it is oneself who does it.
World responsibility
They feel a responsibility for the world. But it is mostly on a personal basis, feeling responsible for the grief in the world from seeing hungry children on television and donating to the helping organisation.
They are very attached to their family, not only parents and children but the extended family also, the aunts, uncles and nephews. They do everything to keep the family together and in harmony. They worry a lot, mostly about their family, relatives, friends and neighbours. They worry about diseases, problems with school, finances and jobs. Their worries make them quite nervous. All kinds of little details keep coming to their mind. They are quite anxious about what can happen or go wrong. They get out of balance from seeing all the trouble on television, the famine, fighting and war.
Simple folks
They are simple people. They have the feeling that the big problems in society are out of their scope, that they do not really understand them. So they follow authorities like doctors, politicians and directors. They think they will know better, so they do not ask questions. They have the idea that they cannot do much. They are often timid. They are easily overlooked.
Caring, for relatives, friends, neighbours.
Ailments from being limited, dominated; loss of control.
Desire: soaps on TV; doing household, washing, cooking, cleaning; mothering, caring.
Worries about family, children, grandchildren, friends, neighbours, money, houses, household.
Open, innocent.
Fear: disease, death, poverty, something might happen, war, cruelty; storm, thunderstorm; insects; bats.
Fear: being unloved, hard and cruelly belittled, degraded; losing family and friends.
Dream: frogs, toads; being immovable because a heavy frog is lying on him.
Weather: chilly.
Aversion: slimy food.
Physical: < motion, < touch, > walking
Energy: weak, weary.
Vertigo: dizzy.
Head: headache, maddening, hot, burning, from left lower jaw rises into vertex.
Nose: coryza.
Lungs: bronchitis, pneumonia.
Heart: palpitations.
Stomach: pain; nausea, < pregnancy.
Urinary: kidney problems; cystitis.
Female: pregnancy problems: nausea; infertility.
Limbs: arthritis, stiff.
Skin: hot.
DD Silicon series: worries about family.
DD Ericaceae: worry and working for the family; Ericaceae have a stronger personality and have more the poverty theme.
DD Phosphorus: < thunder, < lightning.
DD Chlorine: caring, - ><- sea, pregnancy, abortion, miscarriage.