Jan Scholten
Wonderful Plants
664.53.08 Camellia sinensis
English: Thea; Tea.
DD: Bromium, Fluor.
The basic tension is between controlled behaviour and instinctual outbursts of the subconscious. They fear the human mind, what people can do when they get out of control, in a rage. This can happen when they have experienced such violence from people they knew were normally gentle, for instance a father who becomes violent after drinking alcohol. They do not understand that violence and consequently start thinking they might do something similar. It is not that they want to do such a thing, or even have any reason to think they might do it in the future. It is not grounded. They start to imagine the worst one can do, killing innocent children and even worse one’s own children or grandchildren. That is the symptom that is known for Thea.
Their solution is to try to control the mind with their thinking. They become rational, clear in their mind, alert for intrusions from the subconsciousness but it does not help as they do not have a clue where and when it might happen, how it works. They have misunderstood the logic of the subconscious yet.
Mind fast, clear, rational; thinking accelerated, clinical; thinking of complaints ameliorates.
Fear: !! killing their children, grandchildren.
Ailments from having seen sudden, uncontrolled violence, of their father; shock.
Ailments from tension in family, brother-in-law showing sexual advances; torn between honesty and fights in the family.
Inner child shock and fear; trying to earn love; need to be perfect.
Imagination limited, narrow mind.
Energy: weakness of memory; of visual memory.
Thoughts intrude and crowd around each other.
Anxiety; anticipating.
Mental exaltation, temporary; excitement, < anticipating events.
Reproaches himself because he had not accomplished enough.
Indifference, apathy; to joy and suffering; to pleasure.
Desire to swallow large doses of drugs, medicine.
Oversensitive to pain.
Aversion to children.
Munchhausen syndrome.
Ailments from abortion.
Not knowing how to handle emotions, > consolation.
Hallucinations of hearing.
Weeping telling the symptoms.
Gratitude, excellence, loveliness.
Dreams: horrible, frightful, horror; murders in cold blood, of young boys and young girls, without emotion.
Weather: < walking in open air; > warmth; > warm bath; > sea.
Time: < night.
Desire: acids; fat; sweets; milk; eggs, soft boiled; alcohol.
Aversion: fruit.
Food: < after meals.
Sleep: nervous sleepless, restless, vascular excitement, < night; sleepy in daytime.
Vertigo: faint, gone feeling.
Head: headaches sick, radiating from one point; cold damp feeling at back of head; fullness forehead.
Throat: tonsillitis.
Lungs: bloody sputum; bronchiectasies.
Heart: anxious oppression; praecordial distress; palpitation; < lying left side; pulse rapid, irregular, intermittent, fluttering.
Stomach: sinking, epigastrium; dyspepsia of old tea-drinkers; cancer.
Abdomen: rumbling, flatus, sudden; liability to hernia; ulcer of duodenum; spastic colon.
Female: ovaries sore, tender; genitals dragged downward.
Back: pain.
Skin: dry, < night