Jan Scholten
Wonderful Plants
633.76.15 Calypso bulbosa
Names: from the Greek signifying concealment.
Botany: Epidendroideae, Calypsoeae; undisturbed, mountain forests; flower small pink, purple, pinkish-purple, or red flower accented with a white lip, darker purple spottings and yellow beard.
English: Fairy slipper; Venus's slipper.
Culture: Calypso lured Ulysses to forsake his wife; myth of Lorelei; movie Junglebook; Sirens; Eric Clapton, Tears in Heaven.
Source: Roland Guenther.
Sensual, enchanting, seducing, flirting; geisha, elegant, amazingly beautiful, attractive, a dark, sexual side, trapping, luring you in.
Sexual, erotic, seduction, whores, big boobs, brothel, promiscuity, one night stands; sin, rape, abuse.
Intoxicated, bewitched, ready to surrender to bliss, beauty, to give myself up.
Giving oneself up in procreation, reproduction, birthing.
Indifferent to be ruined, insanity, being in rags.
Lack of responsibility for family, wife and children; home wrecker.
Desire: dancing, laughing; enchanting, mystical music.
Sad, depressed, bored, hopeless, disgust, contempt, deception, pain screaming, from being drown in, dragged down in a spiral endlessly, in hell, Satan, Hades.
Cold, harsh, analytical, calculating, planning, untouchable, in control, focused, strong will power.
Competition, jealousy.
Infertility is a blessing.
Delusion: body bursting in blood and pus and decay.
Delusion: uterus besieged, forgotten, rotten, worms, body ruined, consumed by my deliveries, from the sins of the world.
Dreams: dogs; fire flies.
Central emotion: enthralled, hypnotised.
Central sensation: whirling, eddy, twisting, sinking, disappearing, gentle rocking, lulling to sleep, welcoming.
Weather: cold.
Desire: ice cream.
Infection: Aids; chlamydia, gonorrhoea, syphilis, herpes.
Vertigo: dizziness, spiralling down counter clockwise.
Head: swivels from side to side; pain, pressure on head, forehead.
Eyes: itchy.
Nose: nosebleed.
Lungs: coughing.
Throat: thick feeling, back; aware of my throat and oesophagus.
Abdomen: pain, cramping, > stool.
Male: infertility.
Female: menses painful, cramping, bloated; infertility.