Jan Scholten
Homeopathy and Minerals
Calcium sulphuricum
Calcium sulphuricum is a relatively unknown remedy.
Recently the picture has been developed further, but the details have not been added to the standard materia medicas yet. Especially Candegabe (1987) and Sankaran (1991, page 219) have done a lot to expand our knowledge of Calcium sulphuricum. What we see is a picture of aggressive and jealous children. Sankaran sees the key symptom as 'lamenting because she is not appreciated'. This belongs to a situation in which a child feels himself unappreciated. The other children get more love and attention. The reaction to such a situation can vary between timidity and jealousy and aggression.
Calcarea Sulphurica
What do others think Clothing
Sensitive to criticism Beauty, grace, harmony
Insecurity Joy
Shyness Love and relationships
Fears Jealousy
A clear example is given by the following dream during a proving: 'I was at the house of an aquaintance in The Hague for a special occasion. There were many people, amongst them a woman who caught my eye with her dark green, rather classic and chic two-piece dress. I myself am wearing something of my own taste that I am very happy with, something brown( almost cognac-coloured): it is more natural and certainly not as formal as the dresses of the other people present. All the compliments, however, went to that woman in green, and nobody mentioned my dress. Later on my friend even said to me: 'A green outfit like hers would also suit you very well'. I took this as an insult, in other words 'you don’t look nice enough and should take example of that woman'. I did not say anything and the scene repeated itself, this time with the woman concerned dressed in a red and black checked suit. Similar situations followed, all causing the same reaction. The main feeling in me was not one of inferiority beforehand, but at the moment that the other received praise, I got the feeling: 'But I am also allright the way I am!'. Initially I was not very angry, but after this scene repeated itself a few times, I thought: 'I am not coming here any more. They don't appreciate me the way I am and I refuse to change. I am not going to walk around in a chic dress, because it doesn’t suit me. I don’t belong here. I pretend everything is allright, but in my feelings none of them exist anymore.'
In this dream the need for appreciation is obvious. She has a strong desire for compliments, especially compliments about her appearance and dress.
In another proving dream this desire for compliments came up too, in this case compliments on subtle homeopathic case taking and compliments on dress. There is a very obvious need for appreciation in Calcium sulphuricum. And a very specific sort of appreci-ation. There is a craving for love and attention. Next to this also a strong desire to be appreciated with respect to appearance and dress. Sankaran gives a striking example of the third daughter who is jealous of the second daughter because she is getting all the family jewels and lovely clothes.
Another case also illustrates this aspect nicely. Lassauw (1992, page 16) describes a beautiful Calcium sulphuricum case, starting with the words of a little girl patient: 'I am the nicest and the loveliest child'. Here again we see the desire for love and beauty.
The original situation that fits with Calcium sulphuricum is that of a child who is not appreciated. Dam (1992, page 23) describes an even more extreme situation; that of the step-child. In this situation the disadvantage of the child is even clearer. A Calcium sulphuricum child could react in life as if it is a step-child. You often see this happening when the next child is born. The older child feels neglected, no longer loved and appreciated. The mother takes more notice of the newly born. Many children may react with jealousy in this situation, but the Calcium sulphuricum child gets stuck in this reaction and will not get over it.
The delusion that others think that they are not nice and beautiful.
There is an obvious fear and delusion of being ugly, or of being thought ugly. There is a great desire to be thought nice and lovable. Children might constantly ask their mother: 'Do you think I am nice?' Other people's opinion is very important. They feel very unsure about themselves, whether they are lovable and nice. They are extremely sensitive to criticism about their appearance.
During puberty this uncertainty can start to play a large role, especially if they develop acne and are not attractive to others anymore or are not asked out by others any longer.
But even when they are married, the uncertainty remains. They quickly start to think that they are not loved anymore, because they are not as beautiful as they used to be.
Jealousy might start to rear its head here.
The reactions to this problem can vary greatly. The person might start to withdraw or become very timid. Another way of reacting might be to become very sweet and coquettish, sweet and giggling in their asking for love and attention. In that case they are very pleasant and have a good contact with others. They love to cuddle.
But jealousy might also get the better of them and this can lead to aggression. They might drag their little brother or sister off the mother's lap in anger. This picture may strongly resemble that of Lach, Hyos, and Mosch.
Location: left
Temperature: warm, < warmth.
Perspiration: easy < exertion; smelling strong.
Time: < 5 am.
Desire: sweet (3), sour fruit, apples, starch.
Aversion: eggs, potatoes.
Sleep: on back with arms above the head.
Discharges thick and yellow, stinking of rotten eggs.
Burning pains.
Affections of heart and bloodvessels. Varicose veins.
Skin: inflammations with yellow pus. Acne.
DD: Calcarea's, Croc, Hyos, Lach, Mosch, Sulphuricums.