Cyrus Boger
Synoptic key
Slowly advancing, forcible processes, localizing in unyielding tissues. Very painful effects; on coughing holds sides, chest or head; in joints, etc. BURSTING, STITCHING or heavy, sore pain, going backward. AVERSE TO LEAST MOTION, even of distant parts. Dryness everywhere. Dryness of the mucous membranes. Scanty, adherent secretions. Congestion, INFLAMMATION, exudation. Streaks of red. Gastro-bilious-rheumatic type.
Determined, taciturn, irritable and ugly. Wants to be let alone or go home. Dull. DIZZY OR FAINT ON RAISING UP. Vertigo; felt in occiput. BURSTING, SPLITTING OR HEAVY crushing headache; fronto-occipital; < moving eyes, coughing, straining at stool, etc. Pain over left eye. Sensitive scalp; every hair pains. Oily hair. Eyeballs sore; pains behind. Dark red face. Nosebleed; vicarious. Suppressions or non-appearing discharges, eruptions, etc. Wagging lower jaw. Descending colds. Chewing motions. Dry, parched, cracked lips. Dry mouth. Tongue very dry, rough, coated along center; red at base. Soapy saliva. BITTER TASTE, or vomitus. Hawks brown lumps from posterior nares. THIRST; FOR LARGE DRINKS. Craves what he can't relish. Loathing. Nausea, < lying on right side. Throbbing, tender epigastrium. Heavy load in stomach. Heavy, sore liver, > lying on it. Appendicitis. Peritonitis. LARGE, DRY, VERY HARD STOOLS, as if burnt. Constipation. Gushing diarrhoea on rising, < cabbage; burning; < hot weather. Lumps of tough mucus after stool. Yellow, mushy stool. Vicarious menstruation. Right chest; rusty expectoration. Wants to take a deep breath, but can't, or it excites cough. DRY, HARD, VERY PAINFUL COUGH, as if from stomach; < eating or drinking. Blood-streaked or tough expectoration. Bronchitis. Pneumonia (r.). SHARP STITCHES IN CHEST, or at right scapula. Dry, friction sound. Pleurisy. Stony, hard mammae; before menses. Milk fever. Heavy, hard breasts before menses. Interscapular numbness or pain going to epigastrium or from left to heart. Lumbago, < stooping. Delirium; dreams of hard work. FULL, QUICK, HARD PULSE. Undeveloped measles. Jaundice. Chill, with hot head and red face; < warm room. Dry, burning heat; with < of all symptoms; blood seems hot. Painful, continued fevers; typhoid, catarrhal, etc.; after suppressions. Sour or oily sweat. Groins sore before menses.
Region: Blood; CIRCULATION; Liver; SEROUS MEMBRANES, HEAD; CHEST; JOINTS; ABDOMEN; Motor apparatus, Nerves; Muscles; Right side; Lymphatics; Cellular tissue.
Worse: MOTION: LEAST RAISING UP; STOOPING; EXERTION; COUGHING; DEEP BREATHING; Dry: Heat; Cold; HOT: BECOMING; ROOM; Weather; Drinking, while hot; EATING; Vegetables; Acids; Calomel; VEXATION; Touch; Suppressions; Taking cold; Early A;M.
Better: PRESSURE: LYING ON PAINFUL PART; Bandage, etc; COOL OPEN AIR; QUIET; Cloudy, damp days; Drawing knees up; Heat to inflamed part.