Jan Scholten
Wonderful Plants
655.66.00 Brassicaceae
Names: Cruciferae.
English: Cabbage family.
Content: glucosinolates, compounds of thiocyanates and glucosides, sugars, sulfur and cyanide; vitamin C, Q10; glucosinolates, thiocyantes, isothyocyanates; volatile oils.
DD: Nitrogen, Ammonium, Oxygen; Sulphur, Chlorine, Silver series; Rubiaceae.
Botany: 380 genera, 3000 species; temperate; herbs; flowers 4 merous; curved embryo; endosperm ± lacking; vestured pits in vessels; gynophore short; stamens short, tetradynamous; pollen 3 nucleate; ovary with false septum, 2 carpels; embryo folded; fruit a silique, with rim; vacuolar and utricular cysternae of endoplasmatic reticulum; fruit.
Use: economic importance; vegetables, spices, cabbages, radish, mustard.
In the Apg3 classification Brassicaceae is the main Family in the Order Brassicales. Brassicaceae covers the majority of genera of Brassicales, about 300 out of 400.
In the Plant theory Brassicaceae is treated in the same way and placed in Subphase 6.
They hold on to old pains, pain of being used, neglected and humiliated. They cannot let them go. They feel it as unfair what has been done to them, that things have been taken away from them. The old grudges impede the flow of their life.
The pains can be various. Their parents might have neglected or abused them. Their husband can have neglected them, or hurt them in their sexuality. They can be humiliated in society. Their art can have been neglected and dismissed. Their creativity is disrespected. Their scientific or social contributions are thrown away or taken over by someone else.
They would like to be special, have a high position. But they have given it up, seeing it as unrealistic.
They live in a situation where there is not much fun, pleasure or light. All is dark, grey and cold as in the long winters in the north when the sun has gone for months. There is not much food to enjoy, only a few cabbages and potatoes. There is no place to go and have more culture as it is too cold and the family needs one’s care.
Another situation is that of a sailor on a ship in the 17th century. It is hard work, there is not much food, only stale dry bread. They have only a small corner to sleep, where one can hardly stand. There are no women to enjoy. It can become dangerous from storms and pirates.
Cross bearing
They have the feeling of bearing a cross (cruci = cross, ferae = bearing). In the beginning of their life they can stand a lot of hardships. They stay fresh even when things are not going smoothly. They stay fresh for a long time; they can endure a lot of hardships and still keep their spirits up. It is as if they do better in difficult situations. It is like the freezing that is needed to make Brussels sprouts sweet. They can stand a lot of misuse. It is like the anti-oxidants that protect the plants against being misused, being eaten.
But in the end life is too hard for them, they have to work too hard, have to do too much for other people. Then they feel abused and bitter.
They feel they have to expiate their own insufficiency, impotency.
Then they feel misused, even abused. They can become quite cynical, even sarcastic. It is an anger that is held in mostly but comes out in short bitter remarks. They can even be insulting. They can lament and complain a lot, mostly with their near and dear ones. To strangers they can even look quite nice.
Lack of harmony, humour, love, warmth
They have the feeling that there is no more fun in life, that there is no love for them. The harmony and beauty are gone. They feel disgraced, like Sulphur. It feels as if there is no love for them; this can even go to a religious feeling that God does not love them. When they develop diseases this feeling of being disgraced can become even stronger. They ask themselves why this been done to them. The disease can give them the feeling that they are lost and do not have any ground to stand on. They feel unloved, feel that their partner does not really love them.
Delusion: is dead, will die, has unrecognised disease; alone in a graveyard, has been poisoned.
Delusion: bed is turning, floor is sinking.
They are very duty oriented. In the beginning that duty is not a problem. They like to do it, as long as they get back what they need. But they can develop the feeling of not being attended too. But even then they have the feeling that they have to do their duty. And they mostly do it, although with regret and resentment and without any joy or fun.
The duty is expressed in symptoms of not having done their duty and being a criminal.
Delusion: pursued by enemies, by phantom in a churchyard, by ghosts.
Delusion: ghosts, spirits.
Family Husband
Their family and in particular their husband can give them the feeling that they are not good enough, that they do not do enough.
They can have a desire to escape the situation, leave the house and go somewhere else. They feel trapped and want to escape. When they are away from home they feel better, freer and less criticised.
Walking: desire.
Delusion: place, places; being in different, at a time, carried somewhere and talked with another person.
Old griefs retained
They have a tendency to stay attached to old griefs. They remember them for years and can reproach others for that, opening old wounds. It is as if they cannot digest what has happened. This is reflected in the poor digestion of food. They hold in their anger.
Saving the cabbage and the goat.
The cabbage is not worth the soap.
Being seen as a rotten cabbage at the vegetable store.
Where Abraham finds the mustard.
Angry, bitter, embittered, hard, hatred, cynical, < impotence.
Idealising too much leading to disappointment.
Rational, emotional suppression; unfulfilled < being incomplete.
Bearing a cross, < being limited, restricted; feels guilty; unsatisfied < unfulfilled, pride < feeling Responsible for own unhappiness.
Desire control but cannot.
Aversion stopping yourself, being stopped.
Pressure makes him into granite, block.
Opposite: flow, relaxed, healthy cadence.
Monotony versus distinctive.
Useful, practical, working, contributing, primary colonisers.
Delusion: criminals; poisoned.
Dull, low, bland, insipid, uninteresting, insignificant.
Special, individual, noticed, singled out; artist, famous.
Flattering, fawning, flaunting, exaggerating the useless, vain, self-image.
Sensation: blocked, obstructed, not flowing; restricted; cicatres; jammed, irritating, disturbed, rushed, contracting and getting out, tense, resistance, packed, jammed, obstruction, stopped, block, stuck, barrier, hindrance, retard, obstacle, log, stone, restricted, retarded, interrupted, impasse, deadlock, barricade, bottleneck, choked, clogged, entangled, halted, hampered, plugged, trapped, captive, frozen, pent up, not flowing freely, open, passage, way, around, new way; burning, acrid; plug; scalded.
Type: wrinkles, especially in the face.
Weather: chilly.
Food: < cabbage, mustard, sprouts, sauerkraut; < eating, drinking, fasting.
Sleep: unrefreshing.
Physical: < exertion, < touch, < noise, < pressure.
General: scurvy; strictures, stenosis; cramp, colic; stones.
Discharge: bleeding: nosebleed, menorrhagia, metrorrhagia, bloody urine, ecchymosis, petechiae, bloody vomiting, bloody expectoration; discharges aggravate: < stool, urine, vomit, cough.
Eyes: cataract; swelling lower eyelids; blind.
Mouth: tongue cracked, coated; gums bleeding; teeth loose, canines; taste peppery, pasty, pungent, sharp.
Face: wrinkled.
Throat: thyroid problems.
Lungs: hiccough persistent; respiration diminished, held in.
Heart: arteriosclerosis; atrium dilatation, fibrillation; anaemia.
Stomach: fullness, bloating; belching; emptiness; ulcer; digestion diminished, arrested.
Abdomen: ! distension of intestines, < hard, incarcerated stool; diverticulitis; adhesions; obstruction; bloated < gas; flatus offensive; ulcer duodenum; liver problems, gall colic, stones, cirrhosis, obstruction bile ducts.
Rectum: lump.
Male: prostate enlarged; prostatism.
Female: menorrhagia, metrorrhagia; labour with forceps.
Limbs: fibromyalgia, bone pains, rheumatic joints.
Skin: inelastic, boils, scars, keloid, scleroderma; wrinkles << the elasticity of the skin is gone.
DD Iron series: the duty is that of the Iron series. The DD Brassicaceae contain plenty of Kalium and other Iron series elements.
DD Rutaceae: the hard working and the scurvy (vitamin C, Vitamin Q10) are in common. But the Rutaceae just like the working, whereas the Brassicaceae are more bitter, feel more abused. The Rutaceae belong to the order of the Sapindales, which are also part of the class of Eurosids 2, just like the Brassicaceae.