Jan Scholten
Wonderful Plants
665.33.04 Borago officinalis
English: Borage.
French: langue de boeuf; Bourrache.
Dutch: Ossetong; Komkommerbloem; Nachtpitje; Prikneusje; Blaubekje; Parapluutjes; Beschaamde meiskes; Lieblauglein.
Content: mucilage, tannins, saponins, silicic acid, calcium malate, potassium nitrate.
They are very sensitive and timid. They are often not seen and heard in the family because their parents are too busy with work, their business, the care of the family and the household. They feel neglected as they are invisible. They have difficulty to take their space and often there has hardly been space for them in a small family house with many children. As a child they take on the role of a parent if one of the parents is sick or missing. They easily feel the heavy family responsibilities and look after their younger siblings.
Ailments from grief, father’s death, being dominated.
Parents, father, domineering, dictatorial, busy, all the children have to help.
Responsible, overprotective, over-responsibility, over-developed maternal instinct, strict, seriousness, earnest, rigid, controlling, inflexibility, strong-minded, rigid, difficult to compromise.
Domineering, hard, abrasive, censorious, critical, rage, fury, quarrelsome, scolding, anger, argumentative, authoritarian, forceful, tension creating, dictatorial, obstinate, headstrong, dogmatic, despotic, < when not being listened to.
Need the support of the family; by saving others they prevent any further possibilities of abandonment to themselves.
Cannot delegate responsibility, ask for help, < others are not serious or make a mistake.
Desire: space, rest, safety, consolation, harmony.
Perhaps they also see this dependence on other people as a weakness.
Adapting to the job, the father, the boss.
They have to shrink, make themselves small so that will not and cannot be seen.
Doing everything on their own, having no support.
Gossiping; good gossip.
Discouraged, disheartened, grief, sadness, < adversity.
Soft and sweet people who cannot stand on themselves.
Offended easily.
Play: aversion to, indisposition to, in children.
Lack of courage, confidence, optimism, enthusiasm, < difficult circumstances.
Sadness, despondency, depression, heavy, melancholy, > occupation, diversion.
Reputation of the family is blamed.
Fear: something severe could happen to their siblings, family.
Delusion: undervalued, not heard, unseen, invisible, not asked, being small.
Type: ruddy, plethoric complexion.
Weather: < heat; > uncovering; hot flushes in the climacteric.
Sweat: < night.
Physical: < motion.
General: adrenal exhaustion; inflammation mucous membranes.
Fever: inflammatory swellings, poison of venomous creatures, measles.
Vertigo is also a family theme.
Head: tension headache.
Eyes: inflammation; redness, veins; crusty, itchy, < morning; eruptions lids.
Ears: noises; pulsation, swishing.
Face: pale; discolouration, red, purple, bluish, plethoric.
Mouth: tongue, red, purple.
Lungs: colds, cough; pleurisy tuberculosis; pneumonia, bronchitis.
Heart: heavy; contracted; high blood pressure; hypertension; palpitations.
Abdomen: liver obstructions, yellow jaundice.
Urinary: nephritis; urine scanty, stones; oedema.
Female: milk scanty.
Back: backache, < standing, < walking, > lying.
Limbs: rheumatism, arthritis, pain, < heat; arthritic nodosities; stiff joints; gout; phlebitis, thrombosis.
Skin: itch; eczema, flaring; ringworm; eczema; spreading scabs and sores; herpes.