Jan Scholten
Wonderful Plants
642.14.12 Berberis vulgaris
English: Barberry.
They feel that they are too weak to raise children.
They feel that they are too weak to give birth to children.
They feel that their children are too weak for the world.
Confusion of identity.
Hurry eating.
Indifference, apathy, pensiveness, taciturn, aversion to work.
Mental: difficult thinking, < interruption, vanishing of thoughts.
Sad, melancholy, inclination to weep; fretful, weariness of life, desires death, suicidal, < menses.
Anxiety < sitting, < standing, < moving.
Fear: ghost; poverty; death of parents, relatives.
Delusion: enlarged, head, people, things enlarge with pulse, < dark, < twilight; being pregnant.
Dreams: animals, snakes; anxious; exhausting, mentally; people, assembled, crowd; disgusting, dirt; has to take examinations, with anxiety of not been prepared; soiling himself with stool.
Sensation: shooting, radiating, to all directions; sticking, pricking, lancinating, jerking, flying about; bubbling, sharp; sticking, burning, smarting, soreness.
Type: fleshy; good livers, little endurance; prematurely old and worn out men and women.
Weather: chills and fever; cold body, hot face, < 11 am; burning heat, < afternoon, < night.
Time: < 11 am; rapid changes.
Desire: drinks, thirst; food, hunger.
Aversion: drinks, thirstless; food loss of appetite.
Physical: < movement.
Polyps, tumours.
Vertigo; neuralgias
Eyes: ophthalmia.
Nose: coryza, mucus green, yellow; rhinitis, sinusitis.
Face: pale, earthy complexion, with sunken cheeks and hollow, blue-encircled eyes
Mouth: aphthae.
Throat: tonsillitis.
Lungs: short cough and chest complaints, < operations for fistules.
Chest: oppression < night; shootings left side; excoriation, tearing, sharp heart; stinging, pulsating, pressing.
Stomach: heartburn; nausea.
Abdomen: rumbling; colic pains from gallbladder to abdomen, < pressure; torn lose feeling in the epigastrium; sharp pains in front of kidneys extending to liver, spleen, stomach, groins; cramp like contraction in spleen region; sticking deep in ileum; pressure and tension in groins, as if a hernia would develop; sharp pain in region of umbilicus; severe pain in groin; varicose veins near right inguinal ring; jaundice; gallstones; spleen, disorders; duodenum, catarrh.
Rectum: haemorrhoids; stool clay-coloured; fistule; itching; diarrhoea.
Urinary: ! cystitis; burning pains; urination painful; urination frequent, painful; urine remained after urinating; bladder pain, burning, sticking, cramping, contracting, aching; constant urging, with pain in neck of bladder, mostly burning and scanty discharge; urethra cutting, burning << during and after urinating, << menopause; burning, sore kidneys, < stooping, < rising again, < sitting or lying, > standing; urine bloody, gravel, oxalate; nephritis; urethra or bladder pain, pressing, cutting, burning, stitches, < urination.
Male: pain dragging, sharp, neuralgic, spermatic cord, extending into testes; prostate enlarge; cold feeling in prepuce, glans, testes and scrotum.
Female: menstrual complaints; dysmenorrhoea; breasts, pressure, behind nipple; swollen, < after menses; leucorrhoea; vaginismus.
Back: pain, shooting up, into the spermatic cord, testes, bladder, buttocks, or legs; beaten, sore, sharp, disabled, stiff, tearing, sticking, stitching, < touch, < rising, < sitting, < lying, < jar, < fatigue, lumbar; numbness, stiffness, lameness, bruised sensation; constant pulsating, sharp pains in sacrum; sharp pains in neck and back, < respiration; inflammation of the glands of the neck.
Limbs: arthritis, rheumatic; gout; pain in the thighs and loins << urinating; pain tearing, burning, bubbling sensation in joints; venous, stasis.
Skin: pustules, pimples; chest, scapulae; eczema; herpes; pimples, chest, scapulae; itching, smarting, burning in armpits, < scratching.