Jan Scholten
Wonderful Plants
644.55.16 Baptisia tinctoria
Names: Sophora tinctoria, Podalyna tinctoria.
English: Horsefly Weed; Indigo Broom; Indigo Weed; Rattle Bush; Yellow Broom; Yellow wild indigo.
German: Färberhülse.
Dutch: Wilde indigo; Gele schijnindigo.
They have a fear of becoming an outcast or belonging to an outcast group. They fear that they have to live in poverty and dirt. This is often triggered by travelling to poor countries, where people live in shacks and where the filth and garbage is everywhere. On the other hand they can enjoy the simplicity of such a life with little work and much pleasure with friends and family.
Dull, heavy, drowsy, confused mind. Inability to think; stupor.
Thinking: difficult, wild, wandering.
Hopeless of recovery, certain of death.
Melancholia with stupor.
Bewildered, wild, wandering feeling, delirium, muttering.
Falls asleep while answering or does not complete his sentence.
Stupor, falls asleep while being spoken to, confused.
Lack of privacy, identity, family intruding.
Fear: losing herself, her personality, out of touch with own thoughts and wishes.
Confusion identity, changing names.
Delusion: body is double, broken, scattered in bed, limbs separated and conversing with each other.
Dreams: fighting and disputations, triumphing over all opposition, always comes off best.
Dreams: being bound down with a chain across the mouth; in asylum.
Dreams: business, work, exertion, inconclusive, labouring hard in deep snow.
Dreams: persecuted by police, typhus; sleeping in a glass room.
Type: lymphatic.
Sensation: numb, weak, heavy, sore, bruised.
Weather: < open air, < cold wind, < hot weather, < humid heat, fog indoors.
Time: < autumn.
Desire: water; great thirst.
Aversion: nourishment, stimulants.
Food: < beer.
Sleep: drowsy, stupid, languid, slides down in bed; restless; < on waking; lies curled up like a dog on one side.
Physical: < pressure, < walking.
Discharge: foetid, offensive, putrid.
Vertigo: as if drunk, confused, swimming feeling in head, < pressure at root of nose.
Head: headache, large, heavy, numb, bruised, sore, frontal, pressure at root of nose.
Eyes: heavy, swollen, sore, pressed into head, < light; pain, burning, sore, weak, heavy, < light.
Face: dusky, stupid, besotted; dark red.
Nose: smell of burnt feathers.
Mouth: dry, putrid, offensive breath; saliva viscid, filthy taste; tongue dry, sore, burned, numb, pricking, yellowish-brown, edges red and shining, brown centre, cracked, sore, ulcerated, dry, glistening edges.
Throat: thick speech; swallows liquids only, least solid food gags.
Lungs: tight, compressed, asthma, difficult, < on waking, > standing, > air.
Heart: pulse first accelerated, then slow and faint.
Chest: constriction, oppression, weakness; sharp, centre of sternum.
Stomach: gone, sinking, hard substance, constriction, spasm, nausea, retching, vomiting.
Abdomen: fullness, distension, soreness.
Rectum: typhus, dysentery, < hot weather; diarrhoea sudden; worms; stool very offensive, thin, dark, bloody; horribly foul, foetid, mushy, painless, dark, bloody, exhausting.
Urinary: pain stitching, of right kidney, shooting in left kidney; burning when urinating; urine scanty, dark red, light-green, alkaline, foetid; uraemia.
Female: menses too early, too profuse; miscarriage.
Male: pressing pain in testes as if squeezed; orchitis.
Back: very stiff, ache, sore < walking, < pressure, < lying on bed.
Limbs: weak; ache, sore, bruised; muscles, sacrum; bed feels too hard; bedsores.
Skin: burning, heat; measles, urticaria; smallpox; ulcers foul, gangrenous, eating in, syphilitic.