Jan Scholten
Wonderful Plants
644.22.04 Banisteriopsis caapi
English: vine of the dead.
Botany: vines; formerly placed under Geraniales.
Source: Müntz.
DD: Hydrogen, noble gases.
This remedy is half of the shamanic drink Ayahuasca. It is not hallucinogenic itself but contains an inhibitor of the decomposition of the DMT in the other part, Psychotria viridis. That is the chemical function. Equally important, or even more important, is that it helps to disentangle all kinds of old ties, ties with family, friends, tribesmen and ancestors.
Emotional entanglement, with mother; desire to escape, which is impossible.
Cannot be, become themselves.
Rejected child, rejection by their mother early in life, grief and trauma.
Sensation floating, wavelike, as in pregnancy, oceanic, cosmic feelings; out of body.
Feeling heavy, grey, dark, black negative energy, grey fog, heaviness, squeezed to the floor.
Visions of light, flashes of bright light, electric sparks.
Telepathy, clairvoyant, clairaudient, overview of past, present and future.
Calming and reassuring wisdom, forgiveness, acceptance.
Theme of war and destruction.
Grief, forsaken, alone.
Search for the future, purpose.
Dullness, sluggish, difficult thinking and comprehending; staring; thoughtless; stupefaction, as if intoxicated.
Dwells: past, disagreeable, unpleasant.
Ecstasy, euphoria; excitement.
Homesickness, nostalgia: general. Hurry, haste: general. Hurry, haste: everybody: moves too slowly. Impatience. Impulsive. Indifference, apathy. Indifference, apathy: friends, to. Insecurity. Irritability: general.
Irritability, < disturbance, + hurry; < questioned.
Loquacity, alternating with sadness.
Memory weak, for names, words; forgetful; mistakes, in time.
Senses: acute; oversensitive, < colours, < light, < noise, shrill sounds, to sad stories.
Size: incorrect judge of.
Sad, suicidal, by poison, by shooting, with knife, jumping from abridge.
Suspiciousness, mistrustfulness.
Sympathetic, compassionate.
Sexual desire lost, < sexual abuse, crippled sex-life.
Sexual desire, libido high, as spiritual experience, < hallucinatory drugs.
Fear: panic, attacks, overpowering; bridges, crossing bridge, death, soul escaping from body, evil, falling, insanity, losing self-control.
Delusions: animals, dangerous, cats, crocodiles, leopards, reptiles, snakes, tigers, being a bird; having wings; floating in air, flying.
Delusions: angels; being dead; death approaching; death, of others; devils; enemy surrounding; religious, god, goddess; salvation lost; distant people, places; mind and body are separated; spectres, ghosts, spirits; torture; unconsciousness, being tapped; horrible; monsters; suffering; war; being watched; having no weight; head separated from body; body parts are immaterial; body and thoughts are separated.
Dreams: brother, family, own; friends, old; people, not seen for years.
Dreams: death, dying, frightful; nightmare.
Dreams: bizarre; revelatory; joyous, pleasant; coloured; more real than life.
Dreams: amorous, lewd, lascivious, voluptuous.
Dreams: anger; enemies, quarrels, strife, war, being wounded; cruelty; being taken prisoner.
Dreams: animals, birds, experimenting with, rats, salamanders, newts, snakes, spiders.
Dreams: crossing bridges; flying; food; graduation; house; journey; movies; music, instruments.
Sensation: heavy, wavelike; intoxicated.
Weather: chilly, < morning; cold feet in bed.
Sweat: offensive; strong odour, sweetish.
Desire: alcohol, wine; stimulants, coffee, tea; chocolate; old drinks, water; mustard; nuts; raw food; salads; vegetables; sugar, sweets.
Aversion: chocolate; fats, rich food; sweets.
Food: < alcohol, < fats, < rich food, < sweet, < wine.
Sleep: sleepless, like dead; on abdomen with arms under thighs; on left side; refreshing; unrefreshing; waking 2 am till 4 am; waking difficult.
General: cancerous affections.
Energy: weak, weary, prostration, lassitude, enervation, exhaustion, > lying down.
Nervous: paralysis, poliomyelitis.
Head: expanded, enlarged.
Throat: lump sensation cervical region.
Male: impotency, prostate trouble.
Female: menses difficult, prolonged, late, clotted, coagulated, painful, dysmenorrhoea, < full moon; pain uterus, < coition.
Limbs: bone complaints, brittle, caries, necrosis, joints; flexibility of body; bandaged arms.
Skin: black gangrene.