Jan Scholten
Wonderful Plants
633.42.10 Bambusa bambos
English: Bamboo.
Source: Bernd Schuster.
Culture: saying in China: 'The Bamboo bends with laughter'.
With the back against the wall, cannot escape, has to endure the beating.
Feeling of being stressed, particularly by their own child, with a search for support.
Depression and irritability towards the child, refusal to nurse the child.
Laziness and sleepiness alternating with silliness and exaggerated laughter.
Fear: overpowering panic attacks.
Ailments from suppressed anger.
Anger thinking about former vexations.
Feel empty, miserable, depressed, drained, overwhelmed, stressed, nervous, trapped, < death of mother, < after labour, < crying baby, < before menses, < 4 am.
With the back against the wall, cannot escape, has to endure the beating.
Moods changeable, variable, brooding.
Morose, sulky, cross, fretful, ill-humour, peevish.
Anger, cursing, swearing, quarrelsome, scolding, blaming partner, < noises, < disturbed, < spoken to.
Feeling betrayed, deserted, forsaken; helpless, jealous, pities herself.
Feels inferior, poor self confidence.
Ennui, boredom.
Feels cut off from life.
Indifference, apathy to everything.
Mental dullness, sluggish, < driving, studying, reading, writing, < morning.
Mistakes about time, writing, omitting letters.
Absent-minded, as if in a dream; memory weakness, < mental exertion; forgetful.
Foolish behaviour.
Attempts to escape.
Ailments from stress of the birth, breast feeding; reprimands, criticism.
Ailments from anger, vexation, suppressed anger, anticipation, foreboding, excitement, wounded pride, honour.
Fear: hypochondriac; impending disease, vertigo, brain tumour, epileptic convulsions, lumps in breast.
Fear: being observed; saying something wrong; losing self-control, misfortune, failure; future; finances, money loss.
Delusion: alone in the world; deceived, deserted, forsaken.
Delusion: left and right side are not the same; body parts are distorted.
Dreams: accidents, misfortune, disease, teeth falling out, deaths; animals, water; children, old friends; amorous.
Dreams: wedding, has to be repeated, since only one half of the body has been married.
Dreams: love, fallen in; coition; amorous, < menses; jealousy.
Dreams: child, neglecting her, lost in a crowd.
Dreams: his son is selling drugs, hallucinogens.
Dreams: clothing: hidden her, someone has.
Dreams: conciliation.
Dreams: journey, to china, cruise around the world; beautiful cities.
Dreams: misfortune, car, functional driving: brakes.
Dreams: giants; huge monuments; metal, money.
Dreams: neighbour; old friends; death, of a friend.
Dreams: Noah’s ark.
Dreams: opposite action, contrary to his intention.
Dreams: police; robbers; kidnappers; murder; stands before court.
Dreams: ships; tanks, battle tanks; battles.
Dreams: things: bigger and overpowering.
Dreams: sense of time lost.
Dreams: water; boat, foundering; flood; high waves coming out of drain, in head, causing vertigo.
Dreams: disease; Aids; eruptions; fainting; urinating; vomiting blood and pus.
Dreams: runs head against the wall; teeth: falling out.
Dreams: animals, lamas, zoo; horse riding.
Dreams: nightmare; fantastic; sad; repeating; coloured; confused; pleasant; wonderful.
Weather: chilly, < night; > heat; < cold and damp.
Time: < morning on waking.
Sweat: profuse, sticky, viscid, < night; odour offensive, sweetish, like fresh coffee.
Aversion: fat, beer.
Desire: wine, cheese spicy food; stimulants, coffee.
Food: < fats, beer, wine; > hot drinks.
Sleep: insomnia, sleepless, < overactive mind.
Physical: > rest.
Fever: heat alternating chill, shaking, shivering; influenza.
Vertigo with staggering, as if intoxicated, < looking downward; motion sickness.
Head: headache, pressing, severe, < physical exertion, cold wind, < bending the head forward, < after labour, < shaking head, < cleaning teeth, < sound of her child crying, < nursing child, > laying down, > support of head; heavy, enlarged.
Eyes: blinking; itching, swelling of eyelids; vision foggy, dim, blurred, double; lachrymation.
Ears: stopped; hissing noises; pulsation during headache.
Nose: dry; numb; congestion; colds; sensitive to odours.
Face: acne, painful pimples; numb; pain in facial bones.
Mouth: pain tongue burning, raw, burnt, formication, tingling, prickling; taste metallic, offensive, sour, putrid; toothache, < sweets; profuse salivation; gingivitis.
Throat: sore; tonsillitis, suppuration; cold, red; lump, plug; mucus, tenacious, difficult to hawk up; difficult swallowing; hoarse; rough; ulcerative pain.
Heart: pain, stitching, burning, dragging; stiff.
Chest: lump near sternum.
Stomach: lump sensation; belching; heartburn, < excitement, beer; indigestion; dyspepsia; empty, weak, hungry feeling; nausea, < odour, < headache, < motion; vomiting < nuts, < evening.
Abdomen: gas, bloating, flatulence, obstructed, rumbling noise; gallbladder tender; pain pressing, liver.
Rectum: anal, itching; constipation, with soft stool; diarrhoea, like gushing water; stools greasy, fatty, involuntary.
Urinary: cystitis, from taking cold; pain, dragging, in waves; urine dark, frothy, foamy, profuse, scanty, strong putrid odour like rotten eggs, sulphur.
Male: atrophy, shriveled genitals; troublesome erections, priapism.
Female: menses profuse, suppressed, < childbirth; dysmenorrhoea; offensive leucorrhoea; prolonged lochia; excoriation of cervix; tearing pain in ovaries; breasts painful swelling, < before menses; hormonal disregulation, estrogen-progestin ratio; weakness < parturition; premature restarting of the menstruation; menopause premature.
Back: stiff, tension; numb, tingling; heat waves, flushes; backache cramping, aching, dragging, knotted, sacroiliac, coccyx, < spinal injuries; ankylosing spondylitis, Bechterew; burning along the spine; neck stiff, tension, < damp, cold weather, < turning neck; torticollis; bamboo spine.
Limbs: pain rheumatic, sharp, stitching, radiating, stiffness, wandering, wavelike, < from damp, < cold weather; sciatica, as if painful electric currents running down the sciatic nerve to the hollow of the knee; numb, tingling; weak; heavy; twitching, contractions, spasm; icy cold hands and feet; ankles weak, swelling; burning in the soles of the feet; hand, weak; difficulty in writing; shoulders stiff, neuralgic and rheumatic pains; chronic polyarthritis; pain, short, sharp, stitching, stiffness, joints of shoulder, knees, hands and feet; sciatica; tendency to support the head.
Skin: excoriation; itching, < sleep; painful scars; sensitive to hot water; stings, from insects; ringworm.