Jan Scholten
Wonderful Plants
655.77.00 Balanophoraceae
Genera: Balanophora, Chlamydophytum, Corynaea, Dactylanthus, Ditepalanthus, Exorhopala, Hachettea, Helosis, Langsforffia, Lophophytum, Mystropetalon, Ombrophytum, Rhopalocnemis, Sarcophyte, Scybalium, Thonningia.
Botany: moist inland forests; subtropical to tropical; obligate parasitic plants, on tree roots; aboveground inflorescence like a fungus; no chlorophyll.
In the Apg3 classification Balanophoraceae is a Family in the Order Santalales.
In the Plant theory Balanophoraceae is treated in the same way and placed in Subphase 7.
They feel really outcast, just tolerated at the margin of society. It is a combination of Phase 7 and Subphase 7.
Outcast, beggars coming from a rich family.
Vagabond, beggar, in a big city, male, in rags, eating from garbage cans, assembling aluminium cans for money, dirty, stinking, stealing if necessary, lack of self-worth.
Foggy, as if drugged, intoxicated, living in a dream.
Attention deficit syndrome, concentration low, foggy.
Sponge absorbing all the dirt, the dirty bad thoughts of the world, not knowing how to handle it, intoxicated.
Sensitive, refined.
Fear to participate with society because they see themselves as bad, fear their own sexuality, bestiality, the underworld, world of Hieronymus Bosch.
Everything gets dirty, as pitch, as shit.
High sex drive but no possibilities for it.
Sensation: squeezed sponge.
Head: hanging.
Nose: loss of smell.
Mouth: loss of taste.
Abdomen: pain, diarrhoea, colitis, enteritis, from eating spoiled food.