Jan Scholten
Homeopathy and the Elements
6.11 Aurum
Aurum is a metal that has been well known since the old days. It has also played an important role in homeopathy since the very beginning. Vithoulkas (1991) describes the theme of gloom and doom and the suicidal impulses. Sankaran (1991) has also pointed out the responsible and serious side of the remedy. These two versions are the two poles of Aurum. But they mainly emphasise the overall themes of the Gold series.
The most characteristic aspect of Aurum however is the them of guarding his flock. Aurum cannot let down the person or the task that has been entrusted into his care. This theme is beautifully portrayed in a nightmare of an Aurum patient who repeatedly saw his people falling down a huge crack in the ground during an earthquake.
As soon as Aurum is unable to live up to his responsibilities he is inclined to drop everything. Eventually he will drop himself, preferably from a great height.
Aurum is originally a Latin name. Gold is named after he English word ‘geolo’, meaning yellow. It has been known since as far as records go back in time. Its chemical symbol is Au.
Gold has always been used in coins, crowns, jewels, medals and other objects of value. The weight of gold is expressed in names like gold ‘bars’, bar meaning heavy, like in Barium. Gold was melted down into heavy bars to facilitate storage. The noble character is still preserved even in names like dental crowns, which are made of gold. It is also used in electric points.
Stage 11 Gold series
Holding on preserving Leadership Management
Maintaining Organisation Structure
Supply Reserves Responsible
Protecting Serious Heavy
Possessions Wealth King
Privileged Power Dictatorial
Enjoyment Dignified Haughty
Spreading Alone Isolation
Sharing Failure Hurt
Religion Sexuality
Ripe old age
Eyes Vision
Holding on to their power.
Trying to hold out as a leader.
Holding on to the throne.
Showing respect.
Maintaining responsibility.
Preserved because of responsibility.
Holding on to power: conservative.
Protector of organisations: shepherd.
Expanding the organisation.
Enjoying success.
Wealthy through religion.
Holding on to sex.
Picture of Aurum metallicum
Essence: holding on to power and responsibility.
Holding on to power
They feel they have to keep the organisation intact. The employees have to keep their job and they must protect the organisation from ruin. They might expand the business if this is the only way to maintain its viability. They also want to hold on to their own position as a leader. The king wants to extend his reign for as long as possible and they will work very hard to make this happen.
Maintaining responsibility
They feel very responsible for the task they have taken on. They are driven to perform it to the best of their knowledge and power, they are real workaholics. Work often ameliorates their pains and depression, because they are busy fulfilling their duty. They are usually morally upright people.
Preserved because of responsibility
Their responsible attitude can make them very serious. They feel they have to acquit themselves of their task in a sensible and responsible manner, after all, everybody depends on them. They tend to be precise and fastidious, they must know that everything is being done properly. They are able to foresee problems and responsible enough to get them out of the way immediately.
Holding on to power: conservative
Their attitude is usually very conservative. Changes are only necessary if it can be proved that it will have long term benefits for the whole society.
Enjoying success
But they are also able to enjoy their successes. The organisation is up and running and all they have to do is make sure it keeps going. They don’t really have to prove their worth, they have done it. They only have to be alert for possible snags and clear them out of the way as soon as possible. This gives them plenty of time to lean back with satisfaction and seeing that they achieved what they wanted to.
Showing respect
They feel very important in their position at the top. And they want to be treated accordingly. The king does his best to guard the welfare of his people and in return they expect to be treated with respect. They may sometimes act superior, especially when others try to take liberties. They are above the ordinary folk and nobody should forget that. This feeling is connected to their ear of heights and dreams of falling from high buildings.
Alone in their guardedness
They would really like to share what they have achieved, but this is impossible because leadership can’t be shared. This makes them feel even more lonely than they were before.
Wealthy through religion
They aren’t usually very religious because they have managed very satisfactorily on their own. On the other hand they may be extremely religious, feeling God has given them their task. When the business goes downhill they may get depressed and start to pray. They ask God for help and feel they are being punished by him.
Inability to maintain the organisation means they have failed
The responsibility may get to heavy in the end, they are simply not up to carrying such a heavy burden. This may be because they haven’t reached their full power yet. As for instance in the case of a young son who has to succeed his dead father as head of the family (Sankaran). Or the burden may really be too big, as in tasking on the lead of a whole conglomerate of businesses.
When they feel they won’t stop to think whether their plans were the right ones for this business, they will immediately assume it was all their fault. Their plans simply don’t enter the discussion. Also, there is nobody else to fall back on. Other people’s opinions or good advice is always ignored. But when their inferiors turn against them and accuse them of negligence they feel terribly offended.
Depression sets in as soon as they can’t live up to their own expectations. They have failed and it all their own fault. They can become quite suicidal, and will easily carry this out. They think of jumping from a high building, jumping in front of a train or running into car.
Fears: heights, falling, murder, being murdered, death, suicide, heart disease, stroke, insanity, crowds, people, religious, salvation, conscience, devil, God.
Dreams: heights, falling, erotic, death, killing, fire, fantastic, dark, quarrels, burglars, accidents, offence, violence.
Delusions: superior, alone, mania; neglecting his duty.
Irritability: critical, angry, < offence, < contradiction.
Mood: haughty, cheerful, bored, complaining, worried, gloomy, suicidal by jumping from high building or driving car against a wall.
Mental: absent minded, confused, forgetful, rigid, insane.
Professions: king, leader, director, manager, president, chairman, captain, mayor, bishop, top sportsman or woman.
Causes: disaster, hurt, humiliation, too much responsibility.
Type: male, dark hair, overweight.
Locality: right.
Weather: cold; > open air; < gloomy, < dry, < storm.
Time: evening, < winter; every 21 days.
Desires: alcohol, drugs, bread, sweet, meat, milk, spices, refined food, cold water.
Aversion: meat, eating.
Food: eating, < fasting.
Menses: < menses, < pregnancy, < during and after giving birth.
Sleep: sleeplessness (3).
Physical: < rest, < sitting, walking, > motion, pressure, > rubbing, < touch, < driving a car; <<< mercury.
Weakness, nervousness and restlessness.
Pains: boring, contracting.
Sensations: swollen, blown up, heavy, full.
Glands swollen, inflamed, indurated. Abscesses and necrosis.
Paralysis, Parkinson’s, multiple sclerosis. Shocks and twitching. Neuropathy.
Epilepsy, clonic, tonic, tetanic. No feeling. Cancer.
Headache, boring, congestive, above right eye, in bones.
Eye complaints: inflammations of cornea, iris, and conjunctiva. Pannus and trachoma. Far sighted.
Disturbance in vision, upper part of vision lost (3!).
Ear infections, stinking discharge, profuse; deafness and vertigo.
Affections of nose, blocked nose, ozaena, ulcers, stinking discharge.
Lung complaints, pneumonia, interstitial.
Heart complaints: high blood pressure, infarction, failure.
Congestion of blood. Cerebral haemorrhage, anaemia, aplastic.
Colitis. Liver abnormalities, necrosis.
Pulse: too fast, too slow, full, weak, irregular.
Problems with testes and ovaries: inflammations, cancer, cryptorchism, sterility, amenorrhoea, metrorragia. Syphilis.
Affections of bones: necrosis, inflammation, caries, exostoses, fistula. Rheumatoid arthritis.
Eczema, asthma.
DD: Gold series, Stage 11.
DD Platinum: the question of leadership isn't a problem for Platinum, he doesn’t really have to do anything for it, the organisation or society runs itself. Aurum feels he has to keep the organisation intact and make sure it doesn’t fall apart.