Jan Scholten
Wonderful Plants
633.54.16 Asparagus officinalis
Childish behaviour; desire to be carried.
Sexual excitement, passions; sex feels like rape.
Disempowered, depression by the medical system, religion in high school.
Ailments from boyfriend committed suicide; parents divorced.
Fear: losing control.
Delusion: being stared at, judged; being unattractive.
Dream: elevator; one step behind.
Backache, sciatica, bone spurs.
Anxiety, with palpitation of the heart and ill-humour.
Time: < 5 am, < waking; < 3 pm.
Sweat: suppressed.
Weather: > fresh air, open air.
Desire: drinks, thirst increased.
Sleep: uneasy; sleepy; yawning; disturbed, < oppressed breathing; < 5 am.
Physical: < motion.
Head: aching, forehead and root of nose; migraine, < morning, + scotoma.
Nose: sinusitis; coryza; sneezing violent, frequent, < dry air, < morning; loss of smell; discharge whitish, profuse, thin fluid.
Face: pale, wax-like, bloated; blue < micturition.
Mouth: taste insipid, sweetish (as of copper).
Throat: rough; hawking copious tenacious mucus; hawking frequent from abundant mucus.
Lungs: oppression in breathing, dyspnoea, < motion, < ascending, < night, > sitting; cough, paroxysms > after breakfast; rapid, laborious and sighing respiration.
Heart: weakness; constricting; palpitation; pulse intermittent, weak, feeble; pain; dropsy.
Chest: full; oppression of chest; hydrothorax.
Stomach: full.
Abdomen: full; diabetes mellitus.
Urinary: pain, burning, fine stitches, orifice of urethra; cystitis, frequent painful micturition; urine scanty, straw-coloured, peculiar odour, like cat's urine, pus, mucus, cloudy, red, like brown beer, small stones, lithiasis; ineffectual straining; involuntary urination, < night, incontinence in bed, in adult women; enuresis.
Male: swelling of penis; stitching on the right side of glans.
Female: menses continued; itching, itching, pudendi.
Back: rheumatic pain in back, especially near shoulder and limbs.
Limbs: rheumatic pains; pain, acromion, left scapula, shoulder, clavicle, down arm; cramps and dropsy in pregnancy.