Maarten van der Meer
Evolution of analysis
Asimina triloba
Remedy code: 3-622.43.16
A boy of 16 years, the complaint is acne.
His build is a little coarse, but he is gentle and acts mature and cautious. Sits quietly, poised, symmetrical. The face is doughy with very full lips, still very youthful. Seeks his words without difficulty, focusing on a point close to his forehead. Plays to be confident, as common for boys. Calls parents by their first name pose as an equal without question. With reservations in word choice and expressions, states his own opinion as a good alternative. Remarkably, it is not a ‘turning away,’ an adolescent behavior, but a complacency combined with some reserve.
The pimples initially grew only on the cheeks in a circle, he got an antibiotic from the family doctor that helped for a short time. Now it came back on the cheeks, chin, and jaw rim. Acne had been there for some time, the circles on the cheeks for a year.
The arms are covered with scars, at work he often pulls them open he tells nonchalantly. He seems not entirely aware of his body, or his position in the environment.
Sports: with too much effort he is dizzy, and has to take it easy for a day.
He tries to lose weight, which has to do with choosing clothes. 'If I'm not so heavy, I don't have to watch out when I go to the movies with my friends,' meaning 'eating junk-food', he says as an 'experienced' man. 'I like good food'.
Parents are always very concerned with health, nature, and biological food. Very principled, honest, and firm in the whole family. They are austere, sober, and family-oriented, he has a little brother with severe behavioral problems, outbursts, and social difficulties which has required a lot of attention of the family.
Rash started in the summer. School went well, it takes some getting used to. At home, there is sometimes tension because his father is chasing him with homework.
'School is school.' Writing under time pressure does not go well, because he has a form of dyslexia, 'I get judged for it'.
Energy is good, and sleep is good. Acts nonchalant and acts experienced, and loose.
Nutrition: vegetables, but his father doesn't make it very tasty. In a restaurant, I eat everything empty.
Stools are good, sometimes soft.
Tongue clean, lips dry. Sometimes fissures mouth corners. Always colds, sniveling.
Heading through in the repertory acne: looking for possibilities, next sought justification in Class, Phase, and stages. Asima triloba, Juglans cinera, Calcium picicrinicum, and Calcium phophoricum provide clues, comparing these medications and finding a link with the classification and characteristics in Qjure is the next step.
Carbon series: Simple, straightforward, looks like he does not feel much beyond his own body, experience, and family atmosphere. Steadfast, trying to exude satisfaction. In Carbon series fits the observation that someone with the consciousness is inside his body, and the orientation is also inward. Strong family orientation. Values and father play an important role as Carbonic elements, so it also fits Carbon series.
Carbon series2: No indications of another Class.
Phase 4: Certainty is an anchor in his behavior, in the family structure. A stable basic attitude can also be seen in his posture and movement.
Phase 3: Cautiously wanting something, does have his own opinion, the Phase 4 aspect, but is not yet completely at home in the world, still has to adapt to parents, to father and expectations, this gives him irritation.
Stage 16: Acne, I am judged, no attention because his little brother demands a lot of attention from all. Profiling oneself.
Prescription Asima triloba MK
Follow up
After six weeks, his face is almost clean, only a few remnants of red spots, between his nose and lips four red pustules. This indicates that there is still a lymphatic overload of the duodenum.
Large pupils. Jovial, he is now less brash in 'taking place,' and seems more aware of surroundings. Appears mature, and talks as if watching from a distance, but hangs over the table.
His waiting attitude and nonchalance look like wanting to avoid accountability.
He talks with certainty in his tone, in loose fragments, making long sentences, and side sentences with answers.
Shortly after the ingestion, Grandma was admitted to the hospital and died quickly. Emotionally not much changed at home, only did change in busyness.
After three weeks, things started to improve, and the last week has been so good. A rough skin on the upper arm. Now no more scratches on arms from his work, he often pulled himself open, out of clumsiness possibly.
'We find it is less, my mother and me.' Relief has changed, harder, even difficult, and more frequent, now daily. The previous five years stools were soft and irregular.
Tongue clean, color and moisture good, and a slight edge, tell that the mucous membranes are no longer burdened, the red edge indicates the lymph is still somewhat active over the whole mucous membrane. Lips are good, fissure's are gone, lips respond to the intestinal mucosa, and the fissures at the corners of the mouth point to the pancreas. The rash had to do with mucous membranes, the spot left under the nose corresponds to the small intestine. With the intestine calming down, we have indications that the cause is also disappearing, not only the skin is improving.
Sports went well, but one time still not getting well.
School went badly, "I was in a stupor after grandma died.
Annoyance with teachers, tells this carefully, and circumspectly, he does not always agree with their opinions, this causes irritation which he says makes him not always have good concentration and not good motivation.
'I have committed myself to a go-around, and am now going to try very hard'. His first sentence at the consultation was: things went badly at school, and I made good resolutions. Later, only with inquiries, he told about the results. Absorbed in his own story, not quite attuned to what he came for. We did talk at the previous consultation that if he is better in his skin, then his concentration at school might also improve.
The acne stays gone for months, then it comes back slightly as do the intestinal complaints, Magnolia grandiflora does nothing, repeating Asima brings improvement. His behavior has changed, more focused on the outside world and his education.